Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015 Friday #Pilates#fair#opportunity#dinnertime#NASCAR#Latvianfolkarts

Get Fit
Last time for Denise Austin video Pilates for Every body.  Anyone?  Being 68 comes with a certain reality.  I will never quit though.

Get Faith
Matthew 20:1-16 This is the story of the workers in the vineyard as told by Jesus.  This is the end of the day after the workers had worked all different amount of hours at the same work and received the same pay.
But he answered one of them, "I am not being unfair to you, friend.  didn't you agree to work for a denarius?  Take your pay and go.  I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you.  Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money?  Or are you envious because I am generous?  Socialist because everyone got the same and capitalist because it was his money to do what he wanted to.  What are your ideas?  God is Good.

On this day
1977 - One of my co-workers got lucky and married well.  He was a bright guy, but a POA, big time.  He had very little social acumen - could not relate to people.  He married a gal whose father owned a large construction equipment company and John went to work for him.  On this day they had a reception, It didn't say whether it was an engagement party or wedding reception, but it didn't include dinner, we had that at Chris's house after. So the message here is even if you don't have a lot of personality you can still marry well and be happy.  GO!

1945 - The U.S. government announced the end of shoe rationing This would be horrible Nicole!

This is a plea to mothers everywhere.  It is so easy to put a dinner together in 15 or 20 minutes.  Make a salad that your family likes.  Have a piece of meat - 1 burger, 1 steak, 1 chicken whatever, 1 fish serving and add a quick potato, rice or pasta. Open a canned or frozen veggie and heat.  Walla, dinner and sit together and eat.  Here are the questions for dinner - Dad did you have a good day?  Mom what did you do today?  Children oldest to youngest - best/worse part of your day from oldest to youngest.  The youngest last because if they tell first their is no reason for them to listen to the rest.  I am a big fan of spending at least part of the day in the family unit, this is the perfect opportunity. Oh, and don't let those kids eat all day long, a treat (fruit) after school and then stop so they are ready for dinner.  Don't set them up for failure with their adult diets.  Just my opinion.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
last report  This went into the Nascar racing story with non other than the Scots/Irish at the helm.

Jekabpils Latvia - crafts

Latvian folk arts and crafts at the exhibition in Riga

I've decided to share some photos from the amazing exhibition of traditional Latvian folk art "The song gets otherwise", that I had visited last summer in Riga. Wonderfully presented pieces of art.

My personal paradise.

beautiful to see and buy for souveniers if you want!  We are leaving here tomorrow.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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