Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29, 2015 Thursday #circuittraining#Godfirst#NOW#OKcookies#shopLatvia!

Get Fit
Circuit training aerobics and weights today.  This is pretty easy to find on line, on tv or on a video.  It is a very popular exercise trend these days.  Try it!  They probably have it at your gym too.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 19:23 - "Then Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven." He said hard not impossible.  The catch is not to love your money more than God.  Now that's hard.  I pray to God to keep me close and that is why He keeps me poor - I think.  Worship can keep you on the right track.

On this day
1975 -  Who remembers Alice Doesn't Day?  It was, I believe a creation of NOW - National Organization of Women.  I think we weren't supposed to do all those things people expected us to do because we were women.  So I told Pete that I wasn't making dinner and he promptly went out and left me home.  Anyone else remember this? or have an experience?

1966 - The National Organization for Women was founded. I guess that wasn't too random.

As Mom's we can stop the habit of people - men and women, of taking us for granted.  Just because we are mom doesn't mean we are subject to everything, everyone needs, right?  Can I get some support here?  Probably not because it has worked and we created the situation in the first place.  No, I am not baking cookies today!  There.

Book club
Has everyone read my book Come Get These Memories of the Sixties?  Why not?  Actually, it appears to be doing pretty good and I am getting good reviews but I won't find out how well until the end of November.  I hope you enjoyed the book if you bought it.

 Jekabpils Latvia - Last minute sights and purchases!  Here is a link to shopping!  Have fun!

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barbara, Ashley and Katie!  

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