Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, 2015 Thursday #armsup#urfamily#accept#Dainas!

Get Fit
Abs and Arms with Tamilee.  I use 5 lb weights and my arms are tired when I am done.  You should try and push yourself a little if it seems too easy.  Start out with water bottles (full) and work up if you don't have  weights.  I saw my mom lose her ability to put curlers in her own hair after a while because she couldn't hold her arms up.

Get Faith
Matthew 15:21-28  The faith of a Canaanite woman.  She came to Him crying and screaming to heal her daughter who was possessed with demons.  Jesus said he was sent to heal only the lost sheep of Israel.  She continued until he finally agreed to heal her daughter and it was done.  Do you feel like you don't belong to the family of God?  Jesus says otherwise and will answer your prayers - have faith.

On this day
1980 - A long lost memory.  I went to a retirement party with my ex- Denny at the Polish Club.  It must have been required because we never went out anywhere, he was a stay at home guy. (Watch for my book on the 70's).  I won $50 at the party!

1975 Gay sergeant challenges the Air Force This before the Aids crisis that fired up people who were anti homesexual.  It is still a challenge but we are making advances in acceptance.  It is not a behavior choice folks, it is the same as brown or blonde or black hair,  it is the same as blue/brown eyes - tall or short - white or black.  Get used to it, be part of the better world.

Before I had a daughter that was gay, I had gay friends, worked with a lot of gay people in the interior design place and socialized openly with gay friends.  They were fun, creative, strong, and emotional - just like my straight friends. 

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy

Jekabpils Latvia - music

Traditional Latvian music is often set to traditional poetry called dainas, featuring pre-Christian themes and legends, drone vocal styles and Baltic zithers.


Traditional Latvian folklore, especially the dance of the folk songs, date back well over a thousand years. More than 1.2 million texts and 30,000 melodies of folk songs have been identified.[1]
Dainas are very short, usually only one or two stanzas, unrhymed and in a four-footed trochaic metre. Lyrically, dainas concern themselves with native mythology but, in contrast to most similar forms, do not have any legendary heroes. Stories often revolve around pre-Christian deities like the sun goddess Saule, the moon god Meness and, most notably, the life of people, especially its three most important events - birth, wedding and death (including burial). The first collection of dainas was published between 1894 and 1915 as Latvju Dainas by Krišjānis Barons.
Latvju tautas mūzikas materiāli, translated in English as the Materials of Latvian Folk Music is the anthology and commentary of Latvian folk. It analysed 5999 items of Latvian ethnography published in 6 editions from 1894 to 1926 by the Latvian musicologist and composer Andrejs Jurjāns (1856-1922).[2][3]
Latvju tautas mūzikas materiāli Sestā grāmata (the sixth book) was published posthumously in Riga, 1926. On page 1 latvju komponistu biedrības izdevums is inscribed, translated as the Latvian Society of Composers edition. [4]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Katie!!!

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