Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 24, 2015 Saturday #

Get Fit
I am having a hard time with my computer today. It is trully a workout in patience!  

Get Faith
Matthew 16:21 "From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerulsalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life."  It is hard for me to imagine that people (as mentioned) could be so wrong in their judgement and act so unwisely on the life of another.  Oh, wait that happens everyday doesn't it?  Too bad for this group that acted that way about the Son of God.

On this day
1984 - This memory for my friend Chris.  I mentioned that Tom Martin was in all   day.  I think some designers would save up 10 or more framings for customers and then just plan on spending the whole day there.  I believe he was a manageable customer - not like some.  There were those that spent half the day looking for prints in the old print collection and then the rest of the day designing framing.  It was creative work - I enjoyed it. And most like Tom were a pleasure to work with - but time consuming.

1901 - Daredevil Anna Edson Taylor became the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel. She was 63 years old. What was she thinking?

I made a point of sitting and talking to our new Pastors son last night at the Octoberfest.  He is a high schooler, maybe 9th grade starting a new school in a new state.  He is also a red head - which can be tough unless you are Prince Harry.  As the old youth leader there I felt it my duty to tell him about the resident ghost at church as I believe that only Gerry U, has slept more nights there than I.  He enjoyed the story as did his father who reminded me that the Holy Ghost is present there, to which I replied - Yeah, I don't think it was Him.  :)

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Promised myself reading time today!

Jekabpils Latvia  more music!

Harlem Shake [Latvia - Jekabpils]

Organizātori -------------- Vsevolods Žguns profils: Sandis Bogačenkovs profils: http://www.draug...This is interesting.  :?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandra and Sue!

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