Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015 Monday #Pilates!#follow#prompt#racial#strolling minstrels

Get Fit
After a beautiful but sedentary 4 days of riding around in the car seeing the fall/winter (it snowed) colors, I eased back into a routine of exercise with Pilates.  My back needed it!

Get Faith
Matthew 14:13-16  The amazing thing to me is that as Matthew reports the gospel here it follows the part where Jesus is told that John the Baptist, his cousin, the messenger that proclaimed His coming was murdered.  Did He get mad?  Did he get depressed? No, he fed the 5,000.  God loves us no matter what some of us do.  Follow His example.

On this day
1977 - My journal entry starts with - worked got there on time.  Now I don't remember being late a lot, it wouldn't surprise me, but now I am almost always on time or early.  I can't stand to be late.  I never was at Clancy's.  I was so dependable that the boss would load up a truck and leave the shop (completely unattended and open)  at 5 to 8 - because he knew I would be there. Often I would wave to him going by me on the road.  I wonder when that changed?  What about you - do you like to be fashionably late? 

1977 - The Concorde made its first landing in New York City. I wonder if it was on time?

Maybe as a parent I started making sure that Nicole was on time for school.  I believe she is a very punctual person now.

Book Club
Definately going to finish The Other Irish this week - going through the racial issues and how devided this group was - some were slave owners and others worked the underground railroad.

Jekabpils Latvia - Culture
  I am thinking this was from a story The Minstrels of ?
Linguistic Affiliation. Latvian belongs to the Baltic group of languages. Livonian, a Finno-Ugric language is now almost extinct but is experiencing a revival. By the twelfth century a common language was spoken. Russian has had a strong influence on religious vocabulary, while German has influenced the domestic vocabulary.

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Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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