Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015 Wednesday #Plank#forgiveness#oldfriends#holdyourground#politics:(

Get Fit
My massage therapist sheet of exercises.  Planking is said to be one of the great strengthening exercises.  It suggests doing 3 - 1 minute holds.  I can do 2 now - progress!

Get Faith
Matthew 9:1-8 Jesus heals a paralyzed man.  When his friends brought his to be healed he said "your sins are forgiven".  I'm thinking that's not what they wanted but the passage goes on to say they questioned his ability to forgive sin and don't say anything about them expecting their friend to be physically healed.  Jesus knew their hearts and healed their friend but also let them know he had the authority to heal sin as well.  What's more important?

On this day
2004 - I met the Lynch family - Charley, Dee and Kris and Big Wave Dave at the Shores Inn for dinner.  We had become family after losing Martin P earlier in the year.  He had a brain aneurism at 49.  The funny thing is I am going to dinner with Kris and Dave tonight, I'm sure Marty's name will come up.
1765 - Nine American colonies sent a total of 28 delegates to New York City for the Stamp Act Congress. The delegates adopted the "Declaration of Rights and Grievances." Today we have a lot more delegates and a lot more grievances.

The strong willed child is hard to deal with.  My poor mother had to deal with me, the worse strong willed child in history.  She would rant and rave and send me to my room and promise to tell my father.  None of that was a threat - I tuned her out, loved to be in my room and my father was too tired by the time he got home.  I did as I pleased knowing that mom would/could not stick to her promises of punishment - she would fold on a regular basis and I could wait it out.  I did become independent, capable and industrious, but I'm not sure that's why.  I was not so lenient with Aaron and Nicole.

Book Club The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Finding out how they effected the slavery issue and the politics regarding it.  Very interesting.

Jekabpils Latvia - politics
The politics of Latvia takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. The President holds a primarily ceremonial role as Head of State. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament, the Saeima. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.  Sounds familiar.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Judy F.

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