Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10, 2015 Saturday #coolrun#equality#puppies#helicopter#Germanicdominance

Get Fit
With the weather getting cooler here in Michigan, autumn walks are great, but I wait till later in the day when it gets a little warmer.  Even running around getting chores done and yard work is good exercise.  Get off that couch and get going!  Love your life!

Get Faith
Matthew 10:24  Jesus said The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master.  God does not see us differently, we are equal in His sight.  I wish we could learn this and be the same.

On this day
2008 - It's the little things that bring joy.  My neighbor girl - Keyana and her friend brought their new Chihuahua puppies over to show me.  I happened to be baking cookies at the time.  What could be better then two happy little girls, their cute puppies and warm cookies.  I'm not making this up.

1957 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologized to Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, the finance minister of Ghana, after the official had been refused service in a Dover, DE, restaurant. See the above in red.

Just heard the term helicopter parents today and found out its meaning.  I could have been this.  Someone who hovers over their children.  It suggested that you give your child more chores, responsibility and let them fail occasionally so they are better able to deal with life later on.  They also mention that these children are more susceptible to depression later on. 

Book Club
The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy - I have so many books I have waiting to be read.  This is a great book, just not finding time.

Jekabpils Latvia
In the early medieval period, the region's peoples resisted Christianisation and became subject to attack in the Northern Crusades. Today's capital, Riga, founded in 1201 by Teutonic colonists at the mouth of the Daugava, became a strategic base in a papally-sanctioned conquest of the area by the Livonian Brothers of the Sword. It was to be the first major city of the southern Baltic and, after 1282, a principal trading centre in the Hanseatic League. By the 16th century, Germanic dominance in the region was increasingly challenged by other powers.  And that is why the high number of Lutherans apparently.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Davis, Rena and Jessie!!

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