Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015 Monday #Happythanksigiving Canada!#Love thy neighbor#respect#independence!

Get Fit
Got a couple circuits in with Jillian this morning - good start to the week!  Weights and calithenics!

Get Faith
Matthew 11:25  At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."  As I move away for the Missouri Synod teaching I knew as a child, I am more embraced by God's simple word of love to His people.  Accept the teachings as a child, listen to the Bible as you would sitting at your mothers knee and know that His basic plea for you is to love God and love your neighbor.  Love.

On this day
2012 - This was my last day at Clancy Excavating.  It was a mixed bag of emotions.  I was proud of the job I did for them for 19 years, and satisfied that I had fulfilled my job responsibilities in training the new girl - without drama.  I was very disappointed that the two men, that I thought I had worked for and with, on a business and personal level, had so little respect or concern for me in the end.  I'm sure they have their own stories of how this went, as you probably do with your past or current jobs.

1792 - The first monument honoring Christopher Columbus was dedicated in Baltimore, MD. It took 300 years!

I'm sure there are people, probably men that think pitting their children against each other will give them an advantage in life.  It will teach them conflict and how to deal with it, frustration and how to handle it, competition and how to get to the top of the heap.  I agree that children need tools to learn a lot of these behaviors - I just feel that their siblings should be more of a cheering squad to support each other rather than the oppponent. What do you think?

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Seriously I am going to finish this book, it's good!

Jekabpils Latvia
My computer is finally accepting this city.  A Latvian National Awakening arose in the 1850s and continued to bear fruit after World War I when, after two years of struggle in the Russian Civil War, Latvia finally won sovereign independence, as recognised by Russia in 1920 and by the international community in 1921. Latvia's independent status was interrupted at the outset of World War II in 1940, when the country was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union, invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany in 1941, then retaken by the Soviets in 1944–45.  That was a short independence.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Mark and Bekah! 

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