Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25, 2015 Sunday

A day of Rest

Get Faith
The Transfiguration  - This is where Jesus takes Peter James and John with him to the mountain and he is transformed to his heavenly appearance and stands with Moses and Elijah.  The disciples are rightfully frightened and in awe of what they saw.  They want to stay there and keep Jesus and the others there - probably for their own keeping or comfort.  The last line here is something I don't remember reading before. Matthew 17:13  "Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.  I will have to ask Pastor about that.

On this day
1985  My baby was only 5 months old but I never stopped.  I was at Andy and Alice's, my mother in laws - out to Pam's.  I was on the phone with Tatjiana, Mom, and a number of others.  I was still nursing.  If you aren't home very much your house doesn't get messy and I guess you don't have to cook.  I actually don't remember spending this much time out, but now I know why my daughter is the same way, always on the go.

1415 - In Northern France, England won the Battle of Agincourt over France during the Hundred Years' War. Almost 6000 Frenchmen were killed while fewer than 400 were lost by the English. Most wars are futile, some are ridiculous.

It is hard to hold hands with a cat and type on the computer.  Parenting animals can be exhausting.

Book club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
The history of country music is huge in this group.  If you are a country fan you will love this!

Jekabpils Latvia
kabpils History Museum
The museum is located in an architectural monument of national importance, the Krustpils castle, and is one of the oldest municipal museums in Latvia. The museum was founded in 1920 and its collection amounts to approx. 40 000 exhibits. Various literary sources and other documents indicate different years of the construction of Krustpils castle, most often though the year 1237.

Krustpils pils

kabpils History Museum

The museum is located in an architectural monument of national importance, the Krustpils castle, and is one of the oldest municipal museums in Latvia. The museum was founded in 1920 and its collection amounts to approx. 40 000 exhibits. Various literary sources and other documents indicate different years of the construction of Krustpils castle, most often though the year 1237.
- See more at:  Lets go here today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!   Happy BIrthday Diann

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