Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015 Wednesday #Pilates#words#FordElite#

Get Fit  Here is a start to Pilates.  Try it, you may like it better than jumping around.

Get Faith
Matthew 12:37 - "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."  Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, because they had a habit of telling people how they were sinning and would be condemned.  We need to not preach from that lofty place ourselves or we might fall off.  Jesus reminded the Pharisees that the commandments were made for the good of man not as a measure they would be condemned by to hold over their heads.

On this day
1974 -  Who doesn't remember their first brand new car?  I picked up my 1975 Ford Elite on this day.  It was beautiful, a dark bronze with the copper landau? roof.  It had the soft cushy fabric interior with all the buttons and bells.  The payment on it was the same as my house payment and I kept it as long as I worked two jobs - about a year and a half.  It cost $4,600.00. 

1912 - Theodore Roosevelt was shot while campaigning in Milwaukee, WI. Roosevelt's wound in the chest was not serious and he continued with his planned speech. William Schrenk was captured at the scene of the shooting. Surprised this doesn't happen more often.

Enjoyed my georgraphy class with Madison and Cameron yesterday.  Note to self - don't use video's that show ancient people to this age group - quite often the subjects are not dressed.  And Melissa and I enjoyed the US States game more than expected, I think.... Melissa?

Jekabpils Latvia - a little more history


Latvia was predominantly Lutheran, but in the first half of the eighteenth century Moravian missionaries made significant headway, despite the opposition of the German landlords who controlled the Lutheran clergy. The Imperial government proscribed the Moravians 1743–1764. Latvian nationalism was strongly supported by a revival of the language, including the translation of many foreign works. The Imperial government sponsored the Russian Orthodox Church, as part of its program of russification, but Lutheranism remained the dominant religion, except Latgale where Catholicism was dominant. Other Protestant missions had some success including the Baptists, Methodists and Seventh Day Adventists.[10]  Must be why I have seen so many Latvian Pastors lately.  I like them!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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