Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31, 2016 Thursday #strength#joy#favoriteplaces#Alhambra#Shirleytemple#PrinceAlbertland

Get Fit
Weights and calisthenics.
Best Shoulder Workouts for Women to Get Sexy Upper Body
#workout #fitness Try this.

Get Faith
Psalm 150 - A song of praise because our God is so awesome he should be praised from every corner of the universe, because he is mighty and powerful and merciful. He should be praised with every song and every instrument - because our joy makes us want to sing and make a joyful noise to the Lord. Praise be to God our Father, maker of heaven and earth.

On this day
2012 - My friend Don and I went to Rojo's and Brownies and then Shores Inn. Rojo's was originally THe Lido and then after 40 plus years, that I know of, it was sold. It became Andiamo, then Rojo's then Captain Jacks and now it is the Current. When someone asks me where the Current is - I always say it is the old Lido. That is what it will always be to me - we had boat club meetings there and always took the kids there after boating. Do you have a place? That although it has changed hands, you still call it by the old name? Old habits die hard.

1492 - King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain issued the Alhambra edict expelling Jews who were unwilling to convert to Christianity. Note the year, surprised they didn't send them to America, like the convicts were sent to Australia.  In America it was "all are welcome".  

Mike and Tom owned the Lido and my Father in law had a boat store across the street, so he was a regular patron.  They took customers there to wine and dine.  They were well known and still are remembered by the one brother, Mike who now owns another restaurant - Mikes on the Nautical Mile here.  At the Lido Nicole used to get a Shirley Temple drink, even before she asked, the waitresses knew her, and they always brought her a dish of pickles (cucumbers) with ranch dressing.  We went to Mike's last night for dinner and still got the favorite customer treatment.  Where is your favorite place?  

Sea of Okhotsk to Prince Albert Peninsula  
Staying in the north, going due Northeast to Canada!  Enjoy.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Darlene, Lori and Maria!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016 Wednesday #Abs!#things#morethings#DrLong#Konibears

Get Fit
So many of my friends have back problems and I have had mine.  I don't have the lower back pain anymore, not since I started working out my abs 20 years ago.  I still have those twinges and even go to the chiropractor, but usually for my neck or upper back.  I did Abs of Steel today, it is a regular in my workout routine.

Get Faith
2 Samuel 6:1- 15 The story of David bringing the ark of God home to Israel.  This reminds me a little of the Holy Week story.  The joy of the ark, like Jesus, a gift to the people but then it is mistreated and someone dies.  After a certain amount of time David retrieves the ark of one place and brings it to his own place to have God with him and the goodness that brings.  Why don't we just stay with God and forego the trouble that separating from Him brings.  Praise the Lord and thank Him.

On this day
2010 -I just got the Easter stuff down to decorate the house on this day.  This year Easter has already happened.  It was a Tuesday but I had so many things to accomplish on this day.

1842 - Dr. Crawford W. Long performed the first operation while his patient was anesthetized by ether. Let's all remember Dr Long in our people to thank God for!

I remember the first time I had ether, as a child to have my tonsils out.  I can still remember the taste of it in my mouth.  I also remember when Nicole was three and because she was internally bleeding and in such bad shape they had to put a dialysis hose in without using anesthesia.  And I am glad that she can't remember that.  We would rather have these things happen to us then them.  This also reminds me of the Easter story.  

The Sea of Okhotsk Day 9 Cruise

Day 10 - Koni Peninsula

This is a mountainous region to the south-east of the town of Magadan, part of which is included in the Magadanskiy Zapovednik. This reserve protects among other animals Brown Bear and Snow Sheep. Many of our landings are expeditionary, in that although we have landed at a number of places along the coast, many will be new and unknown to us, so we are never quite sure what we will find. That is part of what makes this style of travel so interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dave Diedre and Jayne!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016 Tuesday #fatburning#rejoiceintheday#oneday#spoiler#Crestedauklets

Get Fit 
Going to try the fat burning again today.

Get Faith
Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it."  One day at a time.  That is how I mostly, do life.  As my closing remark says - Enjoy the day.  I do believe everyday is a gift to be enjoyed.  We never know when one day may change our life, but we do know that all of our days can be with God, if we make Him our choice.

On this day
2009 - Mom and I went to the 11:00 service at church, Nicole had gone to the 9:30, she must have had some place to go.  My journal says I made a  beef roast and Mom and I had a nice quiet day.  Sometime, I get too busy and when I get a break, like this day, I really enjoy it.

1848 - Niagara Falls stopped flowing for one day due to an ice jam. One day.

Today I talked to a few people regarding what we gave our kids and what we with held.  Of those I talked to I can say none of our kids have the "entitled" gene.  Although some of us were single working moms, others were well endowed families.  Of those I talked to, I was probably the biggest spoiler, but then who wouldn't spoil Nicole?  

Sea of Okhotsk  Day 9  

Day 9 -Talan Island

An internationally known, but very difficult bird island to get to, Talan is infamous largely because of the hundreds of thousands of Crested Auklets that nest there. There are also an extraordinary number of kittiwakes nesting along the cliffs and not surprisingly a large population of Steller’s Sea Eagles. We plan to circumnavigate the island by Zodiac before landing and then return in the late evening to witness the huge flocks of Crested Auklets amassing at sea before coming ashore. 
crested auklet #unseenbeauty #spirit animal #OOC  Anyone have any birdseed"?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016 Monday #burnjellybeans#rebirth#food#adulttable#shop!

Get Fit
Fat Burning - I should do this for about 6 hours today to balance out all the goodies I ate yesterday.  I didn't even get on the scale this morning for fear it would explode.  Back on track today!  Spring? is on its way in.

Get Faith
Luke 1:26-38 On this day the study writer suggests we read the story of Mary hearing of her pregnancy from the angel of God.  It makes sense that on the day after Easter we remember how exciting new life is and how precious each life is to a mother.  On this day after Easter, how happy Mary must have been to know that her "baby" was alive and well after watching him die on the cross on Friday.  Imagine her joy and join in with that rebirth that God gives to all of us because of Jesus dying and being resurrected.  Glory to God!

On this day
2008 -Today is the bosses birthday.  We all brought food to celebrate and later in the day I went out to my buddy Fitz's and we went to the Adair bar for fish.  It was a small bar that they lined up out the door for Friday fish.  No wonder I have a weight problem.

1797 - Nathaniel Briggs patented a washing machine.  Using mine today.

Yesterday at dinner Monna had set a table for the adults and one for the four kids.  Luca will be 10 and wondered when he could sit at the adult table.  Everyone had a story about when they were allowed at the adult table.  My kids were most often at the adult table because there was room but, on the occasions that they had their own table it seemed they preferred it.  Now, I remember in my family history your place at the adult table meant that one of the adults had died.  What is your history/tradition on this?

Sea of Okhotsk cruise day 8

Day 8: Okhotsk Town
This town has featured in Russian Far East history since the earliest Cossack explorers came from the west. Vitus Bering travelled overland from St Petersburg to Okhotsk in 1725 and again 1733 and travelled to Kamchtka and beyond. Today Okhotsk is the centre of fishing in the region. The port exports significant quantities of salmon and other fish. We visit the town, landing by Zodiac up the river near the town centre. The local people are generous and welcoming and will provide entertainment in the town centre and a cultural display.
  How about some souvenirs?  Getting close to leaving for a new place.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Clancy!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday #Heisrisen#weather#replay#egghunts#Eagles!

Get Faith
Luke 24:5 "But the men said to the, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here, but has risen."  He has risen indeed.  Our joy is to always be with God and to rejoice in the promise he has given to us in Jesus Christ.  Celebrate life today.  Life in Christ.

On this day
2007 - It was Tuesday and I worked but the temperature got up to 85 degrees.  Not so lucky on this day - Easter when it would be nice to have a warm day.  Maybe next year.  At least it didn't snow like last year.

2007 - NFL owners voted to make instant replay a permanent officiating tool. duh

Holidays get harder as we get older and kids get married and have extended families.  Then there are those that move to far away to make it easy to spend an afternoon together.  Nicole and I are blessed with many friends and family that extend invitations,  we are never at a loss.  But this year is different.  I usually, for the last 30 years have had Easter dinner here.  My Mom is missing her first Easter with us this year and I miss her a lot.  The later years she wasn't as involved with the cooking etc. but she loved going to church and seeing her grandchildren.  She is at a bigger celebration now, I wonder if they do egg hunts?

The Sea of Okhotsk cruise day 7
Day 7: Mal’minskie Islands
Here there are birds everywhere, in the air, in the water and on the land. Numerous species breed here including large numbers of Spectacled Guillemot. Other species include Ancient Murrelet, Rhinoceros Auklet, Parakeet Auklet, Horned and Tufted Puffin, Crested Auklet and both Common and Brunnichs Guillemot. There is also a good population of Steller’s Sea Eagles on the island and on the adjacent mainland. Landing on the island is restricted to a small gravel spit; however on the mainland we can stretch our legs and explore the taiga forest.
Description Stellers Sea Eagle with Man.jpg  Maybe we can do this!  
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  happy Birthday to Jennifer, Tim and Linda!   AND Happy Easter!  

Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26, 2016 Saturday #yoga#renewal#talentshow#jelloeggsyum#ShantarArchipelago!

Get Fit  yoga is physically restoring.  This site says it can help with Atrial Fibrillation.  All I know is that I love the AM yoga.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:17  "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  Spring, a time of renewal, to be thankful for all and everything you have - family, friends and the comforts of life.  Great opportunities await every day to enjoy and meet new people and share life with.  Thank God for the lives we have.

On this day
2006 --- We used to do a talent show at church once a year.  We have a lot of  good talent at church but I was putting a spoof together on girls bands of the sixties.  I was surprised at how many women showed up for the rehearsal on this day.  What fun, I could do this again!

1804 - The U.S. Congress ordered the removal of Indians east of the Mississippi to Louisiana.  We have a history of removing, rather than learning to live with one another. (Not just US)

Easter always means jello eggs and dying hard boiled eggs today.  I stick to the traditional things that mean a lot to me, as does everyone I think.  What regular activity means Easter to you?  Start one if you don't have any yet!

The Sea of Okhotsk  Cruise Day 5

Days 5 to 6: Shantar Archipelago

Lying in the western sector of the Sea of Okhotsk close to the continent, the islands in this archipelago are amongst the last place in the Sea of Okhotsk to become ice free each year. This late ice can sometimes restrict how far we can explore here; on the other hand ice increases our chances of seeing some of the seals including Bearded, Ringed, Largha and Ribbon Seals that breed here. If we can land there will be birding, botany and photography excursions led by our team of on board naturalists.  This is turning out to be a great educational cruise!  Bundle up!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Linda, Alexsis, and Jerry!

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016 Good Friday #loveandpeace#Sing#HistoricTrinity#peacefulisland

Get Faith
Colossians 3:16  "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God."   The power of God's love and the Gospel are alive!  Even on this day that we mourn the death of Christ on the cross, we know that God has power over death and that on the glorious morning He is raised!  The power of that story is so frightening to some on this earth they believe they can dismiss it with bombs and horrifics - but they are wrong.  Our God asks us to forgive them and remember who we are - Christians with unending life and God's purest love.  Thank you God, today for Christ's death on the cross and for giving us the gift of life on your creation and the life after.  Amen.

On this day
2005 - I was singing in the choir, this year, and it was Good Friday.  We sang at both the afternoon service and the Tenebrae in the evening.  Nicole went with me at lunch time, she would have been home from college and Mom went with me at night.  I don't do well on Good Friday, I'm far too emotional.

 0421 - The city of Venice was founded. would love to see this city!  Look how old it is!

Church Family
Judy, Waynette and I are going down to Historic Trinity for today's service.  It is kind of the mother church for Lutherans.  It has probably been 15 years since I have been there for a service, but the remembrance of the age of our faith, the celebration of Easter for so many years makes this location so appropriate for worship on this day.

The Sea of Okhotsk cruise day 4
Day 4: Iony Island
Iony Island lies in the middle of the Sea of Okhotsk, it is really just a rock, but what it lacks in physical size it more than makes up for wildlife. Birds appear to take up all available space; there are guillemots, kittiwakes and various species of auklets, with Parakeet, Whiskered and Least being the most prominent. We will Zodiac cruise around the island as Steller Sea Lions occupy the few rocky beaches, making any landing impossible.
Sea of OkhotskFormidable looking bird.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!   Happy Birthday to Don P and Chris K!  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24, 2016 Thursday #weights#Peace#connections#Spirit#graywhales

Get Fit
Jillian and I did circuit training.  Some days are better than others.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:15  "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.  And be thankful."  The writer of this study says "Peace is a deep disposition of the heart. It is an ability to let go of the need to be right..."  Our human nature does not handle that well, but we can work at it.  Anything for the peace of Christ.

On this day
2003 - Thirteen years ago I went down to Christ Iroquois Church to feed the homeless.  We did it every year, usually with the youth, but Nicole had a game and missed this year.  What is funny, that tonight,Nicole went down to meet a young man from Christ Iroquois, she hired him to work at camp this summer.  God makes connections.

 1379 - The Gelderse war ended. Who are the Gelderse? and who were they at war with?

In this case, church family.  Last month or so, a group of us went down to Christ Iroquois to a dance. They were raising money for a new roof.  It is a beautiful old Lutheran Church in Indian Village that is worth supporting for so many reasons.  They are a small community with a big heart and a lot of spirit.

The Sea of Okhotsk  Day 3 of the new cruise
Day 3: Piltun Bay, Sakhalin Island
It was the discovery of oil and gas in this region which put Sakhalin Island on many people’s maps. Piltun Bay is an important habitat for the small population of western Gray Whales. Researchers monitor the population during the summer months. We go in search of the Gray Whales that live here, travelling by Zodiac inshore to the shallower waters where they are known to feed.
Cruise to the Sea of Okhotsk - Tour - Sakhalin Region - BaikalNatureHere we are.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016 Wednesday #Pilates#Peace#Eggs#I'mking#Easterbonnet#day2cruise!

Get Fit
Started the day with some Pilates.  Try it:  on line or at a studio near you.  You won't be sorry.  Great for strengthening that back!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:14  "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."  This is what our God wants for us, to be drawn together in perfect harmony.  Let it begin with you.  Put away your fear and loathing of your fellow man and arm yourself with peace.

On this day
2002  - The Pastor and I took kids from the youth group down to a Lutheran Senior residence called Luther Haven and dyed eggs with the elderly there.  It was messy and fun.  My favorites were the ones that immediately shelled and ate the eggs before you could get the dye to them.  Luther Haven has since been sold to another agency, but I hope someone still goes and celebrates Easter with them.

1026 - Koenraad II crowned himself king of Italy. This sounds vaguely familiar to today's politics.

I love the memories of the days when the kids were little and I bought all of us new clothes for Easter.  Nicole had a cute little yellow dress and straw hat, with white shoes and socks.  Aaron had a nice yellow dress shirt like his dad's and I had a yellow suit, and then my Mom showed up in a yellow suit as well.  I'm going to go look for that picture!  

Sea of Okhotsk cruise

Day 2:Tyuleniy Island Today we will pay a visit to little known Tyuleniy Island off the south east coast of Sakhalin Island. This tiny island is a stronghold of the Northern Fur Seal and Steller Sea Lion. Since an International Convention signed in 1911 banned seal hunting here fur seal numbers have increased. In the 1990’s Steller Sea Lions started breeding on the island and their colony now numbers about 2,500 animals. We plan a landing here for an opportunity to photograph these animals if sea conditions permit.
©MBaird_Adult Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) in Morro Bay

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Amy and Richard!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016 Tuesday #squats#forgive#busyhome#catscratchfever#newcruise!

Get Fit
Although I have been exercising all of my life and religiously for the last 20 years I still feel like I am losing strength.  It isn't fair.  But, I will continue and this morning I did some leg exercises.  I'm sure you would like to keep your mobility as well - it isn't something you think of even at 50 or 60.  Keep moving!!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:13  "Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."  I had, at one time a falling out with my brother and didn't speak with him for a year.  It was the worse year of my life.  Carrying a grudge or disagreement is a burden and serves no purpose.  After a while you might even forget what the original problem was.  Enjoy life and one another as God intended.

On this day
1998 - I loved my life as a mom.  Nicole and I went to church - the Sunday School made pretzels.  When we got home Nicole's friend Jameson came over to play and he stayed for dinner, later her friend Laura came over to print something out on our computer printer.  My house has always been busy.  And still is.

1630 - The first legislation to prohibit gambling was enacted. It was in Boston, MA.I'm assuming this has been reversed?

Pet ownership.
I love animals, but have never had a cat with such a strong interesting personality.  He pretty much terrorizes the house, but can also be a sweet loving, purring bundle of fur.  You just don't know which one he is right now.  I need the cat whisperer from "cat from hell" tv.

Sea of Okhotsk

Day 1

Embark in Sakhalin Island, Port of Korsakov

This morning transfer by coach to the Port of Korsakov some 40 minutes south of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where you embark the Spirit of Enderby. Once on board you are shown to your cabin and you have a chance to unpack and explore the vessel. Briefings and introductions to the ship, crew, and staff take place today after the ship sails towards the Sea of Okhotsk.  Here is another cruise for us to extend our stay!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016 Monday #WW#Peace#nostalgic#Firstcall#God'shand#goodfromWakkanai!

Get Fit
If you haven't tried it before now might be a time to try Weight Watchers to lose that winter weight and get yourself on a program.  They help with food and exercise and give you encouragement along the way.  I like their circuit training video!  Do it for yourself.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:12  "As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience."  Coming into Holy Week, we celebrated Christ coming into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  The people were happy and dancing, enjoying the great love that Jesus inspired in them - celebrating the peace and joy that was theirs in community.  Let's keep our hearts together in this peace for the time being, because we know the story and know the violence is coming at the end of the week.

On this day
1997  How nostalgic is this?  Nicole and I, after school and work, went to Big Boys for dinner and then to the show for 101 Dalmations.  Hmmmm, we have that movie here.

1349 - 3,000 Jews were killed in Black Death riots in Efurt Germany.
For contrast watch this video - you can't keep good people down.!!!

Ever wonder how when something is finished you wonder how you accomplished it?  How it turned out so well?  If you have read my book - Come Get These Memories of the Sixties you would know how hard I find it that my Nicole has turned out to be the kindest, gentlest and faithful soul I know.  I thank God for her everyday and believe He had the lions share of affect on her life.  In a similar situation people asked "How can anything good come out of Nazareth?"  Look for the best in everyone.

The Sea of Okhotsk

Wakkanai has the typical humid continental climate (Köppen Dfb) of Hokkaido, with cold winters, warm summers and generally heavy precipitation from the Aleutian Low, whose winds hit the city direct from the Sea of Japan. The mean annual temperature, at 6.5 °C (43.7 °F), is the second lowest for a significant population centre in Japan after Nemuro. Snowfall at 6.6 metres (260 in), the third highest for a big city in Japan after Asahikawa and Aomori and one of the highest anywhere in the world. For comparison, Nain in Canada receives 194 inches (4.9 m) of snow.
The Aleutian Low also makes the sunshine hours the lowest of Japan’s major population centres and in the winter the wind speeds are the highest in Japan with an average of 20.2 km/h (12.6 mph), which adds to the −4.7 °C (23.5 °F) cold of a typical winter day. The city's port is usually usable throughout the year, but does occasionally freeze in cold winters.  The weather here appears to be very similar to ours here in Michigan. So dress up and lets visit the sights
Daisuke Matsuzaka on March 7, 2014.jpgHow about this guy that came from Wakkanai and became a Boston baseball player?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John and Red!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 20, 2016 Sunday #KingofPeace#Snowstorm#CJD#oldcodger#Wakkanai

Get Faith
Colossians 3:11 "In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!"  The one belief we all share, the common interest of our Christian faith and our love for God.  All other interests are secondary to that. Christ shared His life so that we can enjoy ours, preferably in peace.

On this day
1996 - First day of Spring, like today, but we had a snowstorm.  The schools were closed - I went out at 6:15 and shoveled till 7:30.  Everything was closed so it must have been a big one.  Do you remember?

1996 - The U.K. announced that humans could catch CJD (Mad Cow Disease). Now that's just great!

I have a picture of Nicole and Grandma out shoveling the snow later that day and in pen across the bottom -FIRST DAY OF SPRING!  I know too that Craig came over to play in the snow with Nicole. We didn't have too many snow days this year - but more then we had when I was a kid.  We didn't have snow days.  (This is the old codger saying "We had to trudge through snow 4 feet deep to get to school and got a whippin if we were late.)    Happy Spring!

The Sea of Okhotsk
Wakkanai was originally home to an Ainu population. The first Japanese settlement was established in 1685.[4]
  • 1879 The village of Wakkanai was founded.
  • 1897 Sōya Subprefecture established.
  • 1901 Wakkanai village became Wakkanai town.
  • 1949 Wakkanai town became Wakkanai city.
  • 1955 Soya village was merged into Wakkanai city.
  • 1959 Wakkanai Airport opened.
During WW II: The Imperial Japanese Navy used the harbor and port as a submarine base. Wakkanai, was far enough north to be out of the range of American heavy bombers and was safe from air attack. Until the early-mid 60’s, the northern portion of the harbor remained divided by concrete sub-mooring pens. The large breakwater structure (which still exists) was actually a sub-repair facility. At the shore end there was a huge winching mechanism capable of hauling subs up into the partially enclosed structure where they could be worked on while completely out of the water. Built into the hills above the city there were several reinforced concrete bunker-type caves where (anecdotally) they were used either to store ammunition and armament, or as air raid shelters for the civilian populace. History would suggest the former use, rather than the latter. During a re-build/renovation of the harbor sometime during the 60’s or 70’s the harbor was cleared of the concrete pens and the machinery was removed from the breakwater structure which was reconfigured.  This is the last port stop for the cruise.
View of Wakkanai from Wakkanai Park

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Andrea!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19, 2016 Saturday #Saturdaygymday#change#timeoff#believe#spawningproblems

Get Fit
I feel like a lot of people use Saturday as a gym day on top of the million other things they plan for their one of two days off.  What ever works for you is a good thing, stick to it!  I use Saturday as my AM yoga day.  It is my you have earned it exercise day.

This is only me in my mind, when I close my eyes.  But it might be you!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:910 "Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have stripped off the old self with its practices and have clothed yourself  with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator."  I think that we can reinvent ourselves, for the better, at any point in our life.  If there is an aspect of your personality that you don't like, for example, intolerance, (which is mine) make changes that help you to control it.  Is there something about you making you sad or depressed?

On this day
1994 - My boss was on vacation in Florida.  The next best thing to being on vacation, is your boss  being on vacation.

1994 - The largest omelet in history was made with 160,000 eggs in Yokohama, Japan.  Interesting historical fact, don't you think?

What do you think about the news story I saw recently on facebook, I didn't check it in snopes, about a couple that lost their three children in a tragic accident, a boy and two girls.  Recently the wife delivered triplets, two girls and a boy.  What do you think?  Luck or a miracle?  Good story.

The Sea of Okhotsk
The importance of marginal seas for the population of coastal regions is obvious. Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zones brought the Sea of Okhotsk under almost exclusively Russian jurisdiction. Recently, problems of coastal environment in the Sea of Okhotsk have become more urgent due to the initiation of large-scale oil and gas extraction on the shelf. These activities carry possible danger to the shelf sources of biolo-gical productivity of the Sea of Okhotsk. Coastal shallow zones in the Sea of Okhotsk are spawning and feeding grounds for numerous commercial fish species, as well as areas of alga Laminaria growth and accumulation of numerous populations of crab, shrimp, mollusk, and other invertebrates. Valuable species of salmon (e.g. pink salmon, sockeye, coho, etc.) enter the rivermouths bordering on the Sea of Okhotsk for spawning.  This sounds like it could be potentially bad for the eco system. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Mark and Mark!

Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18, 2016 Friday #laugh#change#isgood#beyou#MonbetsuunrulyRussians

Get Fit
Photo  Is this you?

Get Faith
Colossians 3:7-8  Are you happy with your life, do you feel like you need to make some changes?   I as many others changed my life when I had my daughter and settled down.  My life changed again when I became a single mom and had to go back to work.  My life changed again when my daughter was grown and I am retired.  I am a different person and look at life differently.  This bible verse is about that realization, that things have to change to be better.

On this day
1992 - It is the last week of lent and in 1992 I went to the Bible Study for lent - just like I did today.  Some things change and somethings stay the same.

1992 - Leona Hemsly was sentenced to 4 years in prison for tax evasion. 

1992 - White South Africans voted for constitutional reforms that would give legal equality to blacks.   Both very positive actions. changes

 Have you ever caught yourself in a situation where you feel you are being a bad example to your children?  You want them to make wise choices,  and you feel like you are not.  Well, parents are people too and go through situations that they have to rethink.  I guess the wise thing is to make that decision so that they see you as the person you have always tried to be.  

Sea of Okhotsk


Monbetsu is famous for drift ice, a yearly phenomenon which reaches the city every January or February from the northern Sea of Okhotsk. As such, the city has taken on the drift ice as its symbol and has become a center for research on sea ice generally, with an international conference held in February (usually the time of peak sea ice) each year. There is also a yearly Drift Ice Festival that coincides with the Sapporo Snow Festival. The festival features impressive sculptures built out of drift ice along with a large ice maze. Additionally, the Okhotsk Tower is a facility where one can observe sea ice from both high above, and from below the ocean. It is complete with an information center and aquarium. An icebreaker, the Garinko II, departs from nearby and makes regular sightseeing cruises through the drift ice during the winter. Mombetsu is also home to the newly built Drift Ice Museum, which covers all aspects of sea ice and features a sub-zero room and "frozen aquarium" of various fish preserved in ice.
During the summertime, when the sea ice melts, sailors from Russia are a common sight in the city. Some local businesses have banned Russian visitors for their supposed "unruly" behavior, which has led some activists to criticize Monbetsu as a hotbed of racial discrimination.[2] (See also: Ethnic issues in Japan.)  hmmm interesting "unruly" Russians, who'd guessed?  Let;s go here today!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 17, 2016 Thursday #Footsteps#closetoGod#slotcar#bowling#Monbetsu#HappyStPats

Get Fit
Going to get a walk in today before Bible Study at church.  Walking is the best!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:5-6  Being human makes it hard to give up the passion we sometimes have in life.  Our earthly desires are so satisfying to us that it is hard to believe that somethings could be better.  God knows we are human, He created us and in our desire to have free will we often make decisions that take us away from the perfection of Jesus.  This is the last week of Lent when some of us have tried to give up some of the earthly passions that we enjoy, from chocolate to maybe something more.  Pray that these things don't come between you and the God that loves you.

On this day
1990  My husband Mark took Aaron to the slot car place where Aaron could run his cars he had been collecting.  I'm guessing Mark wishes he had more or those days with his son.

1917 - America’s first bowling tournament for ladies began in St. Louis, MO. Almost 100 women participated in the event. I bowled for years, how about you?

I feel bad for parents that separated themselves from their children and have missed out on all the wonderful things that have gone on in their lives.  Enough said.

Sea of Okhotsk
  • Monbetsu, Hokkaido, Japan - population: 25,000  This is our next port:
  • Monbetsu (紋別市 Monbetsu-shi?) is a city located in Okhotsk SubprefectureHokkaidoJapan; on the Sea of Okhotsk. The name comes from Ainu Mopet (Quiet River). It is often called Okhotsk-Monbetsu to distinguish it from the town of Monbetsu in Hidaka Subprefecture(different kanji, but same reading).
    As of 2008, the city has an estimated population of 25,678 and a population density of 30.9 persons per km² (80.0 persons per sq. mi.). The total area is 830.70 km2 (320.74 sq mi).
    Most of Monbetsu's economy is dedicated to fishing for cold-water species such as crab. The crab from Monbetsu is reputably the best in Japan, and is such a source of town pride that a sculpture of a crab claw nearly 10 m tall was built on the waterfront.
  • The city viewed from Mount MonbetsuLets get some crabs on our stop here!
Enjoy the Day  Make it memorable!! Happy St Patricks day and Happy Birthday to JeffG

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March 16, 2016 Wednesday #swim#Faith#healed#Ghettoblaster#PortAbashiri

Get Fit  
I would love to have my own pool to take a swim every morning.  How about you?

Get Faith
Colossians 3:4  "When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory."  We wait for a God that we can't see.  We worship a God, together in praise, prayer and song. We all know Him, but we gather to strengthen and learn more and be held in peace by his wondrous love.  Come Lord Jesus.

On this day
1987 - It's scary when you have chest pain in the middle of the night, especially when you have a two year old.  They gave me medicine, I don't know what, but apparently it passed and I am still here.

1987 - "Bostonia" magazine printed an English translation of Albert Einstein’s last high school report card. I should print mine for contrast.

The joy of having an adult child is being able to go to the corner and have a burger and beer with her after a long tiring day.  

The Sea of Okhotsk Abashiri port

Abashiri sights[edit]

Hokkaido has a brewery called Abashiri which sells a range of beers,[4][5] including Bilk, a blend of beer and milk.[6] Abashiri is also home to a flower garden with a wide range of flowers.[2]
In the winter, tourists visit the city to watch the drift ice.  You knew I'd find this place, a brewery right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to my brother Andy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15, 2016 Tuesday #Pumpkinseedoil#Godislove#oldpain#goodbabypain#abashiri!

Get Fit

Or women I'm sure.

Get Faith
Sharing the devotional writer's words based on Colossians 3:2-3. "God is love, and God loves us.  Even as we struggle to take this in, let alone understand it.  God gives us new life shaped by "things that are above" and renewed every day by the love of Christ.  I think our real lives are our next lives, this is just practice.  God's love gives us new life.

On this day
1985 I was complaining my back and legs hurt.  I was two months away from delivering Nicole, it was worth it.

1985 - In Brazil, two decades of military rule came to an end with the installation of a civilian government. And, that's a good thing!

My niece Lindsey is getting good news with this baby.  Although it is very early on - we are starting the prayers with intensity to keep this joy going.  Please help us to pray for Lindsey and Scott to have this baby!  Thank you.

Sea of Okhotsk

Abashiri, Hokkaido

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Abashiri)
Flag of Abashiri

Location of Abashiri in Hokkaido (Okhotsk Subprefecture)


Abashiri (網走市 Abashiri-shi?) is a city located in Okhotsk SubprefectureHokkaidoJapan.
Abashiri is known as the site of the Abashiri Prison, a Meiji-era facility used for the incarceration of political prisoners. The old prison has been turned into a museum, but the city's new maximum-security prison is still in use.
As of 2008, the city has an estimated population of 40,333 and a density of 85.6 persons per km² (222 persons per sq. mi.). The total area is 470.94 km2 (181.83 sq mi)

This is our third port stop on the cruise in Japan.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Lloyd!

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016 Monday #Sittingallday#Spirit#prayerrequest#Palana!

Get Fit
Photo: Do You Sit Too Much? You Need to Check Out These Tips! — Medium
Time to get moving!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:1 "So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."  I don't believe this refers to someone who has been a Christian since childhood but raised to awareness in Christ at any point in their life.  Jesus was human and so he knows how it is to be human.  We fail at always being the perfect person and that is why he died on the cross so we would be forever forgiven in God's eyes.  The Spirit is in you waiting for those moments that you need it to be that better person.  Praise be to God!

On this day
1982 -  I was recovering from my brother Andy's 40th birthday party.  He was still married to Adele at that time.  It was more of a family type party than those that followed later in the year.  While I was recovering my buddy Ty came over and we went to the show to see Chariots of Fire.  Great movie and in 2003 when I went to Scotland I got to walk on that beach where part of the movie was filmed. The music was great!

1757 - British Admiral John Byng was executed by a firing squad on board HMS Monarch for neglect of duty.  Tough crowd.

My niece Lindsey is pregnant.  They have been trying to have a baby for many years.  Please join with me in sending prayers up to Jesus to bring this child into the world.  It is so joyously anticipated.

The Sea of Okhotsk
Palana (Russian: Пала́на) is an urban locality (an urban-type settlement) in Tigilsky District of Koryak Okrug of Kamchatka Krai, Russia which serves as the administrative center of Koryak Okrug. It is located on the west coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula on the right bank of the Palana River within 8 kilometers (5.0 mi) from the Sea of Okhotsk. Population: 3,155 (2010 Census);[3] 3,928 (2002 Census);[5] 4,343 (1989 Census).[6]  
Palana.jpgHere is our second Port to explore

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable !