Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24, 2016 Thursday #weights#Peace#connections#Spirit#graywhales

Get Fit
Jillian and I did circuit training.  Some days are better than others.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:15  "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.  And be thankful."  The writer of this study says "Peace is a deep disposition of the heart. It is an ability to let go of the need to be right..."  Our human nature does not handle that well, but we can work at it.  Anything for the peace of Christ.

On this day
2003 - Thirteen years ago I went down to Christ Iroquois Church to feed the homeless.  We did it every year, usually with the youth, but Nicole had a game and missed this year.  What is funny, that tonight,Nicole went down to meet a young man from Christ Iroquois, she hired him to work at camp this summer.  God makes connections.

 1379 - The Gelderse war ended. Who are the Gelderse? and who were they at war with?

In this case, church family.  Last month or so, a group of us went down to Christ Iroquois to a dance. They were raising money for a new roof.  It is a beautiful old Lutheran Church in Indian Village that is worth supporting for so many reasons.  They are a small community with a big heart and a lot of spirit.

The Sea of Okhotsk  Day 3 of the new cruise
Day 3: Piltun Bay, Sakhalin Island
It was the discovery of oil and gas in this region which put Sakhalin Island on many people’s maps. Piltun Bay is an important habitat for the small population of western Gray Whales. Researchers monitor the population during the summer months. We go in search of the Gray Whales that live here, travelling by Zodiac inshore to the shallower waters where they are known to feed.
Cruise to the Sea of Okhotsk - Tour - Sakhalin Region - BaikalNatureHere we are.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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