Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016 Good Friday #loveandpeace#Sing#HistoricTrinity#peacefulisland

Get Faith
Colossians 3:16  "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God."   The power of God's love and the Gospel are alive!  Even on this day that we mourn the death of Christ on the cross, we know that God has power over death and that on the glorious morning He is raised!  The power of that story is so frightening to some on this earth they believe they can dismiss it with bombs and horrifics - but they are wrong.  Our God asks us to forgive them and remember who we are - Christians with unending life and God's purest love.  Thank you God, today for Christ's death on the cross and for giving us the gift of life on your creation and the life after.  Amen.

On this day
2005 - I was singing in the choir, this year, and it was Good Friday.  We sang at both the afternoon service and the Tenebrae in the evening.  Nicole went with me at lunch time, she would have been home from college and Mom went with me at night.  I don't do well on Good Friday, I'm far too emotional.

 0421 - The city of Venice was founded. would love to see this city!  Look how old it is!

Church Family
Judy, Waynette and I are going down to Historic Trinity for today's service.  It is kind of the mother church for Lutherans.  It has probably been 15 years since I have been there for a service, but the remembrance of the age of our faith, the celebration of Easter for so many years makes this location so appropriate for worship on this day.

The Sea of Okhotsk cruise day 4
Day 4: Iony Island
Iony Island lies in the middle of the Sea of Okhotsk, it is really just a rock, but what it lacks in physical size it more than makes up for wildlife. Birds appear to take up all available space; there are guillemots, kittiwakes and various species of auklets, with Parakeet, Whiskered and Least being the most prominent. We will Zodiac cruise around the island as Steller Sea Lions occupy the few rocky beaches, making any landing impossible.
Sea of OkhotskFormidable looking bird.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!   Happy Birthday to Don P and Chris K!  

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