Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday #Heisrisen#weather#replay#egghunts#Eagles!

Get Faith
Luke 24:5 "But the men said to the, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here, but has risen."  He has risen indeed.  Our joy is to always be with God and to rejoice in the promise he has given to us in Jesus Christ.  Celebrate life today.  Life in Christ.

On this day
2007 - It was Tuesday and I worked but the temperature got up to 85 degrees.  Not so lucky on this day - Easter when it would be nice to have a warm day.  Maybe next year.  At least it didn't snow like last year.

2007 - NFL owners voted to make instant replay a permanent officiating tool. duh

Holidays get harder as we get older and kids get married and have extended families.  Then there are those that move to far away to make it easy to spend an afternoon together.  Nicole and I are blessed with many friends and family that extend invitations,  we are never at a loss.  But this year is different.  I usually, for the last 30 years have had Easter dinner here.  My Mom is missing her first Easter with us this year and I miss her a lot.  The later years she wasn't as involved with the cooking etc. but she loved going to church and seeing her grandchildren.  She is at a bigger celebration now, I wonder if they do egg hunts?

The Sea of Okhotsk cruise day 7
Day 7: Mal’minskie Islands
Here there are birds everywhere, in the air, in the water and on the land. Numerous species breed here including large numbers of Spectacled Guillemot. Other species include Ancient Murrelet, Rhinoceros Auklet, Parakeet Auklet, Horned and Tufted Puffin, Crested Auklet and both Common and Brunnichs Guillemot. There is also a good population of Steller’s Sea Eagles on the island and on the adjacent mainland. Landing on the island is restricted to a small gravel spit; however on the mainland we can stretch our legs and explore the taiga forest.
Description Stellers Sea Eagle with Man.jpg  Maybe we can do this!  
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  happy Birthday to Jennifer, Tim and Linda!   AND Happy Easter!  

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