Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 2, 2016 Wednesday #warmups#thebodyofChrist#tiredbodies#heavenlybodies#littlebodies#bodyofwater!

Get Fit
There is so much to learn about the right way to exercise.  Make sure you do the correct stretches for whatever you work out at.  I did a set of hip stretches that I believe are designed for runners this morning.  They also help me with yoga and pilates moves.  I'm hoping to avoid hip replacement.

Get Faith
Colossians 2:9-10  "For in Christ the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness in Christ, who is the head of every ruler and authority."  This is St Paul expounding on God taking on a human body in Christ Jesus and becoming human like you and I.  A miracle that this lowly form could contain something that awesome.  Makes you want to treat your body a little better doesn't it?  We are reminded that our bodies are temples to house the Spirit.

On this day
1998  Speaking of what we do to our bodies.  I worked all day, then went to the high school to watch Nicole's volley ball game and then to church for youth group, which I was the youth leader of at this time.  We demand a lot of ourselves sometime.

1998 - Images from the American spacecraft Galileo indicated that the Jupiter moon Europa has a liquid ocean and a source of interior heat. Out of this world!

There are arguments to both sides of this subject.  I was an older mom, 38 when I had Nicole.  I think I was so excited and ready for this to happen in my life that I sincerely made the most of it and reaped the benefits of being so active with a child.  On the other hand, having children when you are younger means you can grow up with them, experience their lives on a more even level and of course be around for them longer, What do you think?

The Sea of Okhotsk


[oh-kotskRussian uh-khawtsk

    Sea of, an arm of the N Pacific enclosed by the Kamchatka Peninsula,the Kurile Islands, Sakhalin, and the Russian Federation in Asia.582,000 sq. mi. (1,507,380 sq. km); greatest depth, 10,554 feet(3217 meters).

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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