Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016 Wednesday #Abs!#things#morethings#DrLong#Konibears

Get Fit
So many of my friends have back problems and I have had mine.  I don't have the lower back pain anymore, not since I started working out my abs 20 years ago.  I still have those twinges and even go to the chiropractor, but usually for my neck or upper back.  I did Abs of Steel today, it is a regular in my workout routine.

Get Faith
2 Samuel 6:1- 15 The story of David bringing the ark of God home to Israel.  This reminds me a little of the Holy Week story.  The joy of the ark, like Jesus, a gift to the people but then it is mistreated and someone dies.  After a certain amount of time David retrieves the ark of one place and brings it to his own place to have God with him and the goodness that brings.  Why don't we just stay with God and forego the trouble that separating from Him brings.  Praise the Lord and thank Him.

On this day
2010 -I just got the Easter stuff down to decorate the house on this day.  This year Easter has already happened.  It was a Tuesday but I had so many things to accomplish on this day.

1842 - Dr. Crawford W. Long performed the first operation while his patient was anesthetized by ether. Let's all remember Dr Long in our people to thank God for!

I remember the first time I had ether, as a child to have my tonsils out.  I can still remember the taste of it in my mouth.  I also remember when Nicole was three and because she was internally bleeding and in such bad shape they had to put a dialysis hose in without using anesthesia.  And I am glad that she can't remember that.  We would rather have these things happen to us then them.  This also reminds me of the Easter story.  

The Sea of Okhotsk Day 9 Cruise

Day 10 - Koni Peninsula

This is a mountainous region to the south-east of the town of Magadan, part of which is included in the Magadanskiy Zapovednik. This reserve protects among other animals Brown Bear and Snow Sheep. Many of our landings are expeditionary, in that although we have landed at a number of places along the coast, many will be new and unknown to us, so we are never quite sure what we will find. That is part of what makes this style of travel so interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dave Diedre and Jayne!

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