Friday, March 11, 2016

March 11, 2016 Friday #yoga#door#oldfriend#whaling

Get Fit
Been wanting to try?  Go here.

Get Faith
Colossians 4:3-4  Paul was imprisoned for his faith.  It did not stop him - he preached to the other inmates and advised everyone who he came in contact with to do the same.  Not everyone can preach but we have learned that your best message is your life.  The study writer mentions the Bible being the door to your relationship with Christ.  Everything you know you have been taught or learned on your own.  Learn about your faith and why it is important and why we who have faith want you to have it - open that door.

On this day
1968 - I went to the doctor with my friend Gail.  She found out she was pregnant with her first baby which turned out to be Dawn, born the day before my wedding.  Gail still stood up for me.  We lost touch.

1904 - After 30 years of drilling, the north tunnel under the Hudson River was holed through. The link was between Jersey City, NJ, and New York, NYThat was a hard door to open!  

In the few years I knew Gail, our husbands were friends, she had two babies.  She came from a large family and I have always wondered if she had a lot of kids, or what happened to her and Ron.  I'm reaching out to facebook.  I think she would like my book Come Get These Memories of the Sixties. 

Sea of Okhotsk
The Sea of Okhotsk was a hotbed for whaling in the middle of the 19th century. Beginning in 1845, American whaleships began hunting right whales in the southeastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk near the Kurile Islands. The first bowheads were caught in 1847. From 1849 bowheads dominated the catch. Between 1850 and 1853 the majority of the fleet focused their efforts on bowheads in the Bering Strait region. Following poor catches there, whaleships began shifting their attention to the stock of bowhead whales in the Sea of Okhotsk. In 1854 alone some 160 vessels visited the region. Next year more than 130 ships. The next year, in 1856, nearly 150 ships sailed to the Okhotsk. By 1857, the number of ships had declined to a little over 100. With declining catches from 1858 to 1860, the fleet shifted its focus back to the Bering Strait region.[5] Many of the ships converged on the Shantar Islands, anchoring within the archipelago's many sheltered bays. On July 28, 1854 the New Bedford ship Isabella reported 94 ships in sight from her deck. A few days later, the Lexington of Nantucket reported one hundred whaleboats were about chasing whales.   Frowned on now.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!!  Happy Birthday to Marty, Natalie, Joyce and Daniel!

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