Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March 16, 2016 Wednesday #swim#Faith#healed#Ghettoblaster#PortAbashiri

Get Fit  
I would love to have my own pool to take a swim every morning.  How about you?

Get Faith
Colossians 3:4  "When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory."  We wait for a God that we can't see.  We worship a God, together in praise, prayer and song. We all know Him, but we gather to strengthen and learn more and be held in peace by his wondrous love.  Come Lord Jesus.

On this day
1987 - It's scary when you have chest pain in the middle of the night, especially when you have a two year old.  They gave me medicine, I don't know what, but apparently it passed and I am still here.

1987 - "Bostonia" magazine printed an English translation of Albert Einstein’s last high school report card. I should print mine for contrast.

The joy of having an adult child is being able to go to the corner and have a burger and beer with her after a long tiring day.  

The Sea of Okhotsk Abashiri port

Abashiri sights[edit]

Hokkaido has a brewery called Abashiri which sells a range of beers,[4][5] including Bilk, a blend of beer and milk.[6] Abashiri is also home to a flower garden with a wide range of flowers.[2]
In the winter, tourists visit the city to watch the drift ice.  You knew I'd find this place, a brewery right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to my brother Andy!

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