Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19, 2016 Saturday #Saturdaygymday#change#timeoff#believe#spawningproblems

Get Fit
I feel like a lot of people use Saturday as a gym day on top of the million other things they plan for their one of two days off.  What ever works for you is a good thing, stick to it!  I use Saturday as my AM yoga day.  It is my you have earned it exercise day.

This is only me in my mind, when I close my eyes.  But it might be you!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:910 "Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have stripped off the old self with its practices and have clothed yourself  with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator."  I think that we can reinvent ourselves, for the better, at any point in our life.  If there is an aspect of your personality that you don't like, for example, intolerance, (which is mine) make changes that help you to control it.  Is there something about you making you sad or depressed?

On this day
1994 - My boss was on vacation in Florida.  The next best thing to being on vacation, is your boss  being on vacation.

1994 - The largest omelet in history was made with 160,000 eggs in Yokohama, Japan.  Interesting historical fact, don't you think?

What do you think about the news story I saw recently on facebook, I didn't check it in snopes, about a couple that lost their three children in a tragic accident, a boy and two girls.  Recently the wife delivered triplets, two girls and a boy.  What do you think?  Luck or a miracle?  Good story.

The Sea of Okhotsk
The importance of marginal seas for the population of coastal regions is obvious. Establishment of Exclusive Economic Zones brought the Sea of Okhotsk under almost exclusively Russian jurisdiction. Recently, problems of coastal environment in the Sea of Okhotsk have become more urgent due to the initiation of large-scale oil and gas extraction on the shelf. These activities carry possible danger to the shelf sources of biolo-gical productivity of the Sea of Okhotsk. Coastal shallow zones in the Sea of Okhotsk are spawning and feeding grounds for numerous commercial fish species, as well as areas of alga Laminaria growth and accumulation of numerous populations of crab, shrimp, mollusk, and other invertebrates. Valuable species of salmon (e.g. pink salmon, sockeye, coho, etc.) enter the rivermouths bordering on the Sea of Okhotsk for spawning.  This sounds like it could be potentially bad for the eco system. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Mark and Mark!

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