Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016 Tuesday #fatburning#rejoiceintheday#oneday#spoiler#Crestedauklets

Get Fit 
Going to try the fat burning again today.

Get Faith
Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it."  One day at a time.  That is how I mostly, do life.  As my closing remark says - Enjoy the day.  I do believe everyday is a gift to be enjoyed.  We never know when one day may change our life, but we do know that all of our days can be with God, if we make Him our choice.

On this day
2009 - Mom and I went to the 11:00 service at church, Nicole had gone to the 9:30, she must have had some place to go.  My journal says I made a  beef roast and Mom and I had a nice quiet day.  Sometime, I get too busy and when I get a break, like this day, I really enjoy it.

1848 - Niagara Falls stopped flowing for one day due to an ice jam. One day.

Today I talked to a few people regarding what we gave our kids and what we with held.  Of those I talked to I can say none of our kids have the "entitled" gene.  Although some of us were single working moms, others were well endowed families.  Of those I talked to, I was probably the biggest spoiler, but then who wouldn't spoil Nicole?  

Sea of Okhotsk  Day 9  

Day 9 -Talan Island

An internationally known, but very difficult bird island to get to, Talan is infamous largely because of the hundreds of thousands of Crested Auklets that nest there. There are also an extraordinary number of kittiwakes nesting along the cliffs and not surprisingly a large population of Steller’s Sea Eagles. We plan to circumnavigate the island by Zodiac before landing and then return in the late evening to witness the huge flocks of Crested Auklets amassing at sea before coming ashore. 
crested auklet #unseenbeauty #spirit animal #OOC  Anyone have any birdseed"?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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