Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016 Wednesday #Pilates#Peace#Eggs#I'mking#Easterbonnet#day2cruise!

Get Fit
Started the day with some Pilates.  Try it:  on line or at a studio near you.  You won't be sorry.  Great for strengthening that back!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:14  "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."  This is what our God wants for us, to be drawn together in perfect harmony.  Let it begin with you.  Put away your fear and loathing of your fellow man and arm yourself with peace.

On this day
2002  - The Pastor and I took kids from the youth group down to a Lutheran Senior residence called Luther Haven and dyed eggs with the elderly there.  It was messy and fun.  My favorites were the ones that immediately shelled and ate the eggs before you could get the dye to them.  Luther Haven has since been sold to another agency, but I hope someone still goes and celebrates Easter with them.

1026 - Koenraad II crowned himself king of Italy. This sounds vaguely familiar to today's politics.

I love the memories of the days when the kids were little and I bought all of us new clothes for Easter.  Nicole had a cute little yellow dress and straw hat, with white shoes and socks.  Aaron had a nice yellow dress shirt like his dad's and I had a yellow suit, and then my Mom showed up in a yellow suit as well.  I'm going to go look for that picture!  

Sea of Okhotsk cruise

Day 2:Tyuleniy Island Today we will pay a visit to little known Tyuleniy Island off the south east coast of Sakhalin Island. This tiny island is a stronghold of the Northern Fur Seal and Steller Sea Lion. Since an International Convention signed in 1911 banned seal hunting here fur seal numbers have increased. In the 1990’s Steller Sea Lions started breeding on the island and their colony now numbers about 2,500 animals. We plan a landing here for an opportunity to photograph these animals if sea conditions permit.
©MBaird_Adult Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) in Morro Bay

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Amy and Richard!

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