Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26, 2016 Saturday #yoga#renewal#talentshow#jelloeggsyum#ShantarArchipelago!

Get Fit  yoga is physically restoring.  This site says it can help with Atrial Fibrillation.  All I know is that I love the AM yoga.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:17  "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  Spring, a time of renewal, to be thankful for all and everything you have - family, friends and the comforts of life.  Great opportunities await every day to enjoy and meet new people and share life with.  Thank God for the lives we have.

On this day
2006 --- We used to do a talent show at church once a year.  We have a lot of  good talent at church but I was putting a spoof together on girls bands of the sixties.  I was surprised at how many women showed up for the rehearsal on this day.  What fun, I could do this again!

1804 - The U.S. Congress ordered the removal of Indians east of the Mississippi to Louisiana.  We have a history of removing, rather than learning to live with one another. (Not just US)

Easter always means jello eggs and dying hard boiled eggs today.  I stick to the traditional things that mean a lot to me, as does everyone I think.  What regular activity means Easter to you?  Start one if you don't have any yet!

The Sea of Okhotsk  Cruise Day 5

Days 5 to 6: Shantar Archipelago

Lying in the western sector of the Sea of Okhotsk close to the continent, the islands in this archipelago are amongst the last place in the Sea of Okhotsk to become ice free each year. This late ice can sometimes restrict how far we can explore here; on the other hand ice increases our chances of seeing some of the seals including Bearded, Ringed, Largha and Ribbon Seals that breed here. If we can land there will be birding, botany and photography excursions led by our team of on board naturalists.  This is turning out to be a great educational cruise!  Bundle up!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Linda, Alexsis, and Jerry!

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