Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 2016 Saturday #yoga#conductwisely#speedtime#sandwichgeneration#AmcivilwarinOkhotsk

Get Fit
Love Saturday morning AM yoga.  Great easy way to slide into the day.  I'm writing the second book now and so I am sitting a lot.  I have to remember to get up and walk, stretch and move every once in a while.

Get Faith
Colossians 4:5 "Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time."  Good advice from Paul.  When you encounter someone that is not a Christian - don't assume you have nothing in common.  Last spring in Toronto I sat on a bench outside of a bank and talked to a security guard who was from Bangladesh.  The conversation started out badly, not only did my cross identify me as a Christian but my speech showed I was an American.  He picked a verbal fight with me.  And we talked for an hour.  When I left I extended my hand - he was muslim, he hesitated but then took my hand, smiled and said goodbye.

On this day
1976 - It was and still is, my cousin Barbara's birthday.  On this day she was 30.  It was a Friday and I went out to her house and we celebrated.  She has a lot of brothers and sisters and I am sure they were all there.  She is in Florida or I would go have a drink with her today, But today she is 70, whew where does the time go.

1496 - Jews were expelled from Syria.  Just who is allowed in Syria?

I was just talking to my neighbors son-in-law across the street.  They moved Al up to their house and now have her, with Alzheimer's and their son who has no drivers licence because of DUI's living there with them.  Al is a sweetheart that repeats over and over again and we all know how miserable a grown son, forced to live with his parents can be.  John says it is easier on him because he is still working, but his wife is trying to adjust.  The sandwich generation. yum.

Sea of Okhotsk
Even here the effects of the American Civil War were felt. In late May 1865, the Confederate States Navy Steamer Shenandoah sailed into the Sea of Okhotsk to hunt Union whaling ships. The CSS Shenandoah was a commerce raider, whose mission was to destroy Union merchant shipping and thus draw off United States Navy ships in pursuit and thereby loosen the US Navy blockade of Confederate coasts. The ship spent more than three weeks here, but because of the dangerous ice, only destroyed one Union whaler. It then moved on to the North Pacific where it virtually destroyed the U.S. North Pacific whaling fleet, capturing 24 ships and sinking almost all of them.
Ships continued to hunt whales in the Sea of Okhotsk until the early 20th century.
CSSShenandoah.jpgCSS Shenandoah
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barb and Will!

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