Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 1, 2016 Tuesday #push#lookintoit#exwivesclub#Hutus#Okhotsk!

Get Fit
I am 69 now and still do some type of exercise everyday.  I believe that kids don't have aches and pains because they are more active.  Well, maybe not today's kids.  Unfortunately I have found that even after exercising for over 20 years, actually all my life - I still have aches and pains.  I push through them because I am convinced it would be worse if I didn't.  Oh, and I have been taking D3 as suggested by my female pharmacist and a yoga teacher.  It is better.  Keep moving out there!  Stay motivated!

Get Faith
Colossians 2:8  "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ."  I think (as I am now doing) we all like to be the architect of our own faith.  If it doesn't work for us we shape it to what does.  Christ has better a better plan, unless you feel like you are your own God.  Don't let someone else or yourself take you hostage and lose out on the higher belief.  This deserves studying.

On this day
1997   My ex-wife Kathy brought her daughter Rachelle over to spend the night with my Nicole.  Kathy and I were both ex-wives of Nicole and Aaron's dad, so I always just referred to her as my ex-wife, it just made sense.  The kids were happy with this amiable extended family and so were Kathy and I.

1999 - In Uganda, eight tourists were brutally murdered by Hutu rebels. No more hutus for us Nicole.

I'm disappointed.  One day I texted Nicole to remind her I was going to dinner with the girls and she would be in charge of dinner for her and Grandma.  I suggested maybe Olga's which we all love.  The text (as it often does) changed Olga's to hutus.  We always kid, up till now,about having hutus when we can't think of what we want for dinner.  After today, it just isn't funny anymore.

Sea of  Okhotsk!  We have traveled!
Sea of Okhotsk, 590,000 sq mi (1,528,100 sq km), northwest arm of the ...

This month we will cruise the Sea of Okhotsk and it's ports!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Roxanne! Krister, Hayla and Carol!

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