Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4, 2016 Friday #workday#forgiven#Roxiecolslaw#capitalpunishment#Magadan

Get Fit
I started the day with abs and arms and will follow up with snow blowing.  My snowblower is a monster and even if it does have reverse on it, I still have to turn the thing which is a workout.  Wish me luck.

Get Faith
Colossians 2:13-15  This is Paul telling us that God forgave us when we were still buried in sin and not living by the laws.  "He set this aside, nailing it the the cross."  Our sins, our law breaking were nailed to the cross with Jesus Christ in forgiveness.  Can you see how much this awesome God loves us?  Thank him.

On this day
2004 -  I took Roxanne the cole slaw.  I had to look back and forward to see what that was about.  It was pretty random.  So, I was in the choir that year and they had served dinner the night before and I made cole slaw.  So the left overs went to Rox.  Note to self - Rox likes coleslaw.

1908 - The New York board of education banned the act of whipping students in school. Wow!!! and we wonder where kids learn violence!

If you are a normal parent, like the ones I know, you can't stay mad at your child long or forever.  I do not ever remember spanking my kids, time out and restrictions yes but never physical abuse.  It seems to me the ones that were physically abused went on to bigger or worse behaviors before they actually quit.  What do you think?  C'mon I know you have opinions here.  Think of God, rather than punishing us time and time again, put it all on Jesus, once and for all.

Sea of Okhotsk  Magadan


Magadan was founded in 1930 in the Magadan River valley,[15] near the settlement of Nagayevo. During the Stalin era, Magadan was a major transit center for prisoners sent to labor camps. From 1932 to 1953, it was the administrative center of the Dalstroy organization—a vast and brutal forced-labor gold-mining operation and forced-labor camp system. The town later served as a port for exporting gold and other metals mined in the Kolyma region.[19] Its size and population grew quickly as facilities were rapidly developed for the expanding mining activities in the area. Town status was granted to it on July 14, 1939.[citation needed]
Magadan was temporarily transformed into a Potemkin village to mark an official visit by U.S. Vice-President Henry Wallace in May 1944.[citation needed] He took an instant liking to his secret policeman host, admired handiwork done by prisoners, and later glowingly called the town a combination of Tennessee Valley Authority and Hudson's Bay Company. Wallace's collaborative stance towards the Soviet Union discouraged the Democratic Party of the United States from renominating him as vice president later in the summer of 1944, helping lead to the selection of Harry Truman in his place.
Magadan seen from mountain.jpg
If there is a cruse ship, this is where we will embark from - or start rowing.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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