Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016 Monday #burnjellybeans#rebirth#food#adulttable#shop!

Get Fit
Fat Burning - I should do this for about 6 hours today to balance out all the goodies I ate yesterday.  I didn't even get on the scale this morning for fear it would explode.  Back on track today!  Spring? is on its way in.

Get Faith
Luke 1:26-38 On this day the study writer suggests we read the story of Mary hearing of her pregnancy from the angel of God.  It makes sense that on the day after Easter we remember how exciting new life is and how precious each life is to a mother.  On this day after Easter, how happy Mary must have been to know that her "baby" was alive and well after watching him die on the cross on Friday.  Imagine her joy and join in with that rebirth that God gives to all of us because of Jesus dying and being resurrected.  Glory to God!

On this day
2008 -Today is the bosses birthday.  We all brought food to celebrate and later in the day I went out to my buddy Fitz's and we went to the Adair bar for fish.  It was a small bar that they lined up out the door for Friday fish.  No wonder I have a weight problem.

1797 - Nathaniel Briggs patented a washing machine.  Using mine today.

Yesterday at dinner Monna had set a table for the adults and one for the four kids.  Luca will be 10 and wondered when he could sit at the adult table.  Everyone had a story about when they were allowed at the adult table.  My kids were most often at the adult table because there was room but, on the occasions that they had their own table it seemed they preferred it.  Now, I remember in my family history your place at the adult table meant that one of the adults had died.  What is your history/tradition on this?

Sea of Okhotsk cruise day 8

Day 8: Okhotsk Town
This town has featured in Russian Far East history since the earliest Cossack explorers came from the west. Vitus Bering travelled overland from St Petersburg to Okhotsk in 1725 and again 1733 and travelled to Kamchtka and beyond. Today Okhotsk is the centre of fishing in the region. The port exports significant quantities of salmon and other fish. We visit the town, landing by Zodiac up the river near the town centre. The local people are generous and welcoming and will provide entertainment in the town centre and a cultural display.
  How about some souvenirs?  Getting close to leaving for a new place.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Clancy!

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