Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3, 2016 Thursday #walk!#acceptance#grownup#Sundaydinner#PortMagadan

Get Fit
Got a half hour of walking in the gym at church before Bible Study.  I have been promising to do this since the beginning of the year and finally made it.  I have to build up my walking again.  After being diagnosed with COPD last spring my breathing needs to be built up.  Not giving in to it.

Get Faith
Romans chapter 14  This is what the Bible study was about at church.  I enjoy Pastor Sean's way of doing a study, unfortunately for some (maybe) he has a similar sense of humor to mine.  St Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, for the most part.  This chapter is about who is right in what meats can be eaten, or what habits, rules, etc. must be obeyed.  As Pastor said, this was the early church and that's all they could talk about?  and argue about?  There are so many other more important things and we should spend more time on agreement.  I saw this chapter largely about acceptance of one another and living for the greater good of the church.

On this day
2002 - Nicole went to basketball and then to her friend Maddy's gymnastics performance and then had dinner at her friend Megan's.  I went to K-mart and then over to visit my friends Ty and Norma.  It was a Sunday.

1851 - The U.S. Congress authorized the 3-cent piece. It was the smallest U.S. silver coin. Bet its worth a lot more than .03 now!

In looking back to on this day, there comes a time when your children get their own friends and places to go.  Fortunately for me I had my own friends and social activities so I wasn't "lost" when this happened.  The Sunday dinner at home kind of took a back seat to other things for a while.  I believe it is cyclical.  When they get a little older or just don't have anything else to do they wonder why or what happened to Sunday dinner.  I miss it now with Mom being gone, but I'm sure that will pass with warmer weather.  How about you?  Do you do family Sunday dinner?

Sea of Okhotsk 

Lets begin with the Port at Magadan.
<b>Sea of Okhotsk</b> trip map

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bob B!

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