Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016 Tuesday #Pilates#eyeontheprize#probiotics#Womensday#vote!#Islands

Get Fit
Try Pilates if you haven't all ready.  I have a few videos or there are classes available, everywhere or on TV or your computer.  Our backs are the worse thing to let go - keep your abs strong to support your back.  You will be happy you did!

Get Faith
Colossians 2:22-23  This talks about things that are only good for your earthly existence.  These things can become so important that they steal the real prize from you - like your eternal life.  For example, I exercise  to keep myself strong and fit so that I can enjoy all of my life and work the good works I can do and not end up a burden on someone else.  Or, you can put your current good looks and impressive self ahead of the truly important things and be wasting your time.  Stay focused on the entire picture - God wants you to be with Him.

On this day
2011 - This was a year of health problems for me.  I have had undiagnosed bowel and stomach trouble since I was in my twenties.  At this time I knew it was diverticulitis and IBS.  I began to read up and try different ways to correct the trouble through diet.  No coffee, no chocolate or any of the other things I really liked.  A good example of getting hooked on the wrong things and not being able to enjoy your life and be happy.

1911 - In Europe, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time. 100 years later we still celebrate it.  Is there a man's day? Or is that like everyday is kid's day?

My daughter and I voted this morning.  It the first time since she has been voting that we haven't cancelled each other out.  Go vote!  Be heard.

The Sea of Okhotsk


Some of the Sea of Okhotsk's islands are quite large, including Japan's second largest island, Hokkaido, as well as Russia's largest island, Sakhalin. Practically all of the sea's islands are either in coastal waters or belong to the various islands making up the Kuril Islands chain. These fall either under undisputed Japanese or Russian ownership or disputed ownership between Japan and Russia. Iony Island is the only island located in open waters and belongs to the Khabarovsk Krai of the Russian Federation. The majority of the sea's islands are uninhabited making them ideal breeding grounds for sealssea lionsseabirds, and other sea island fauna. Large colonies, with over a million individuals, of crested auklets use the Sea of Okhotsk as a nesting site.  I never noticed the proximity between Russia and Japan.  I have learned something.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Anthony and Ryan!

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