Sunday, March 13, 2016

March 13, 2016 Sunday #HolySpirit#visit#Felixthecat#family#Okhotskoil!

Get Faith
Sharing the study writers prayer. "We come  before you on this day that is full of grace.  We are grateful for opportunities to serve as instruments of your redeeming love.  Your Holy spirit makes us bold to stand and speak in your name.  Keep us steadfast and secure in your promise to work in us and through us so that your will may be done among us.  Amen."  I love the Holy Spirit.

On this day
1977 -  Pete was installing the furnace in this house that I was in the process of buying.  He really liked this house.  (There is a pattern here)  While he was busy, and I couldn't help - I went and visited his grandparents, Xana and Kostere and his parents, Tatjiana and Erich.  Then I went over to my Uncle Hank and Aunt Teresa's house to visit with them.  It was a Sunday and I always like seeing family on Sunday.  I stopped at the house and had pizza with Pete, stopped at the drug store and bought my brother a 30 day supply of syringes (diabetic) and went home.  But it didn't say I went to church, because, I wasn't going in those days.

0483 - St. Felix III began his reign as Pope. Felix the Pope. (sorry)

I hope that I have passed the strong feeling of family to my daughter.  And by family I mean extended and friends important to us.  I feel like American's in general have lost some of that connectivity so important to the strength of a child's upbringing.  The support of knowing you are part of something important here.  We are all in it together.  Sunday dinners, even if it is just pizza seem like a cornerstone to this family strength.  Think about inviting someone over or visiting today, I know you worked all week but someone would love to see you.

Sea of Okhotsk

Oil and gas exploration[edit]

29 zones of possible oil and gas accumulation have been identified on the Sea of Okhotsk shelf, which runs along the coast. Total reserves are estimated at 3.5 billion tons of equivalent fuel, including 1.2 billion tons of oil and 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas.[6]
On 18 December 2011 the Russian oil drilling rig Kolskaya[7] capsized and sank in a storm in the Sea of Okhotsk, some 124 km from Sakhalin Island, where it was being towed fromKamchatka. Reportedly its pumps failed, causing it to take on water and sink. The platform carried 67 people, of which 14 were initially rescued by the icebreaker Magadan and the tugboat Natftogaz-55. The platform was subcontracted to a company working for the Russian energy giant Gazprom.[8][9][10]  Interesting

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Lisa and Corrine!  

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