Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016 Tuesday #squats#forgive#busyhome#catscratchfever#newcruise!

Get Fit
Although I have been exercising all of my life and religiously for the last 20 years I still feel like I am losing strength.  It isn't fair.  But, I will continue and this morning I did some leg exercises.  I'm sure you would like to keep your mobility as well - it isn't something you think of even at 50 or 60.  Keep moving!!

Get Faith
Colossians 3:13  "Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."  I had, at one time a falling out with my brother and didn't speak with him for a year.  It was the worse year of my life.  Carrying a grudge or disagreement is a burden and serves no purpose.  After a while you might even forget what the original problem was.  Enjoy life and one another as God intended.

On this day
1998 - I loved my life as a mom.  Nicole and I went to church - the Sunday School made pretzels.  When we got home Nicole's friend Jameson came over to play and he stayed for dinner, later her friend Laura came over to print something out on our computer printer.  My house has always been busy.  And still is.

1630 - The first legislation to prohibit gambling was enacted. It was in Boston, MA.I'm assuming this has been reversed?

Pet ownership.
I love animals, but have never had a cat with such a strong interesting personality.  He pretty much terrorizes the house, but can also be a sweet loving, purring bundle of fur.  You just don't know which one he is right now.  I need the cat whisperer from "cat from hell" tv.

Sea of Okhotsk

Day 1

Embark in Sakhalin Island, Port of Korsakov

This morning transfer by coach to the Port of Korsakov some 40 minutes south of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where you embark the Spirit of Enderby. Once on board you are shown to your cabin and you have a chance to unpack and explore the vessel. Briefings and introductions to the ship, crew, and staff take place today after the ship sails towards the Sea of Okhotsk.  Here is another cruise for us to extend our stay!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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