Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30, 2017 Thursday#Singcarols!decorate#Peace#LLulissat!

Get Faith
Psalm 43:4 "Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.  I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God."  Do you like Christmas music?  Now is the time for that to start if iit hasn't already.  Our churches are geared to Advent music and then the joy of Christmas hymns.  Our choir will have a music Sunday this coming month to sing the classic hymns of the season.  I hope our God enjoys the sounds as much as we do.

On this day
2012 - Even in retirement this time of year is so busy.  I still had Mom home and as it was a Friday her and Al (neighbor) went to get their hair done and go to lunch.  I looked forward to that 2 hours when I was home alone.  Now I miss it.  We had pizza for dinner before Nicole and I went over to church to help decorate the sanctuary.  If you are a busy person this time of the year gets#peace# crazy! Right?

1782 - The United States and Britain signed preliminary peace articles in Paris, ending the Revolutionary War.   Always working on peace and never sustaining it.

from Hudson Bay to LLulissat Greenland
We will stay cold and maybe be first to see Santa this year!
The Bridge - panoramio (1).jpgIlulissat-port.jpgSocial housing in Ilulissat, Greenland.jpg Looks interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday!  Kristin L and Sarah!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29, 2017 Wednesday #shegotlegs#thankyouGod#Chicago#CoralHarbour?

Get Fit
Worked out the legs today.  After picking up a part time job that has me sitting at a desk again, and then trying to go for a walk yesterday (because it was so nice out) it doesn't take long for those legs to lose their strength.  Do you have a treadmill at your house?  If I had room I would have one, can I come to your house and use yours?

Get Faith
Psalm 106:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good: his love endures forever."  That kind of says it all don't you think?  Everything He has created and done for us on this earth is because of his love for us.  And then there is the next life that He has promised us, better than this one, that gives us hope and makes us thankful to a  Lord that fully provides heaven and earth to us!  Praise God!

On this day
2010  Times change.  It was Nicole's last day at Moosejaw as she was moving to Chicago.  She had bought a new Ford Focus and I was left with two cars, the Saturn Vue and the Ford Taurus.  I put them both up for sale.  Mom was living with me and we were both sad to see Nicole move so far away but happy for the excitement of it all as well.  We were also looking forward to Lindsey's wedding coming up in a week or so.  Times change.

1530 - Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, former adviser to England's King Henry VIII, died  Knowing what kind of King Henry the 8th was, not sure I would want his job - or- maybe Wolsey was part of the problem!?

Hudson Bay Canada communities:
Coral HarbourCoral Harbour (InuktitutSalliq/SalliitSyllabics: ᓴᓪᓕᖅ/ᓴᓪᓖᑦ),[6][7][8][9] is a small Inuit community that is located on Southampton IslandKivalliq Region, in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. Its name is derived from the fossilized coral that can be found around the waters of the community which is situated at the head of South Bay. The name of the settlement in Inuktitut is Salliq, sometimes used to refer to all of Southampton Island.[10] The plural Salliit, means large flat island(s) in front of the mainland.[6][11]  This being such a huge area, there are many small remote places and very 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill!

Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017 Monday #3lbs#patience#change#Yoshie#Chesterfieldinlet!

Get Fit
I put 3 lbs on over Thanksgiving and I still have turkey, potatoes and dressing, plus parts of 2 pies left.  I don't see the 3 lbs going away too soon.  But I did Pilates so at least I will be limber.  Do what you can.

Get Faith
Psalm 27:14  "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, wait, I say, on the Lord!  I am not a patient person, and God knows that.  I have been praying for help from Him lately, and I am waiting - impatiently.  I know these things take time and I know that this will all pass, but I have taken to trying to kid Him into helping in the time I want to it to be done.  Dear Lord thank you for your patience You have with me. AMEN

On this day
2008  Do you get the blues, nostalgic this time of year?  I have always loved Christmas but lately it is more remembering than planning.  On this day in 2008 my journal reminds me that Mom was here, Jan came for dinner and my Uncle Hank called.  Jan lives in Florida now, but Mom, Uncle Hank and Aunt Theresa are gone and so my holidays are changed for the remainder of my life.  I don't dislike change, we had a great Thanksgiving with friends this year but, it is just different and I have to adjust to that.  Make great memories while you are young, live each day to the max! Get off your electronics and join the living!  Call someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, keep in touch!  Too soon the times change and it is all different.  Oh, and it's cyber Monday. 😞 no more busy malls.

1684 - Japan's shogun Yoshimune Tokugawa was born. 
Tokugawa Yoshimune - Wikipedia  looks animated.

Hudson Bay communities
Chesterfield Inlet Mission HospitalChesterfield Inlet (Inuktitut: Igluligaarjuk, syllabics: ᐃᒡᓗᓕᒑᕐᔪᒃ) is a hamlet located on the western shore of Hudson Bay, Kivalliq Region, in Nunavut Canada at the mouth of Chesterfield Inlet. Igluligaarjuk is the Inuktitut word for "place with few houses", it is the oldest community in Nunavut. The community is served by air, Chesterfield Inlet Airport, and by annual supply sealift.
The Inuit people from the Chesterfield Inlet region are called 'Qaernermiut', though previously, they were referred to as Kenepitic, Kenepetu or Kenepitu.[5]   
sounds like they had a hard time pronouncing the name. Most of these buildings are churches.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26, 2017 Sunday #Kingofkings#churchfamily#poetCowper#Arviat!

Get Faith
Psalm 50:23  "But true praise is a worthy sacrifice; this really honors me.  Those who walk my paths will receive salvation from the Lord."  Today is King of King day at the church.  Jesus is our King and Lord of our lives.  God Himself told us to honor His Son and that all would be well with us.  Where did we go wrong?  Spend some time in praise to God today and thank Him again for the air you breathe and all good things in your life.  True praise.

On this day
2006  After church Nicole left to go back to school at Albion.  She stopped to visit friend Adam who we families have been close to at church forever.  They are like family to us.  It was 60 degrees so I worked in the yard and put up lights outside.  Do you remember the Christmas cartoon where the string of lights come out of the box and wind around the tree all by themselves?  That's the only way my outside will get decorated this year.  Nicole did the tree in the house yesterday.  💗  I love the holidays but not seeing the huge decorating as being important anymore.  Many of my friends (my age) are going the same route.  Oh well.

1731 - English poet William Cowper was born. He is best known for "The Poplar Trees" and "The Task."   Here is a sample of his work.
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Hudson Bay Canada

Two of the churches in ArviatArviat (Inuit pronunciation: ​[aʁviˈat]syllabics: ᐊᕐᕕᐊᑦ; formerly called Eskimo Point until 1 June 1989) (2016 population 2,657;[4] Population Centre 2,514[5]) is a predominantly Inuit hamlet located on the western shore of Hudson Bay in the Kivalliq Region of NunavutCanada. Arviat ("place of the bowhead whale") is derived from the Inuktitut word arviq meaning "Bowhead Whale". Earlier in history, its name was Tikirajualaaq("a little long point"), and Ittaliurvik, ("a place where the people make tents").[9]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Jessica!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2017 Saturday #Muscles#answeredprayers#Roscommonsnow#Pittsburgh#PrinceofWalesfort!

Get Fit
Worked out with 5 lb weights today.  It helps when you have to lift that solid oak table insert to make the table bigger for Thanksgiving.  Keep your muscles strong!

Get Faith
2 Chronicles 7:12  "The Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him; "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice (to Me).""  Solomon, in his wisdom knew to build a place for God to be with His people.  Did you wonder why people bother to get up and go to church on Sunday morning?  A house of God is not just for us, it is also a place for God to come and join us here in this place for a short time.  Yes, He is with us always, but isn't it nice that He will join us, like He did Solomon to let him  know that He answered his prayer.  He answers yours also.

On this day
2004  Nicole, Mom and I were up in Roscommon for Thanksgiving with Andy and Alice.  We had come up 2 days ago in a horrible snowstorm which gave them 8" in Roscommon.  We had a great dinner with their friends the day before and on this day we shoveled snow with Andy.  Nicole and I went to the ski center and bought winter jackets later.  Nicole's was a ski/snowboard jacket while mine was a really nice after ski that I still love.  My boss was very generous at the holidays!  I love to remember the many different Thanksgivings we have had, they are all a blessing.

1758 - During the French and Indian War, the British captured Fort Duquesne at what is now known as Pittsburgh. So I'm thinking the first name was so much better than Pittsburgh.

Hudson Bay Canada
Churchill Fort Prince of Wales 1996-08-12.jpgThe Prince of Wales Fort is a historic Bastion fort on Hudson Bay across the Churchill River from ChurchillManitoba, Canada.[1]  This would be a great place to visit, I'm thinking!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Angelina!!

Friday, November 24, 2017

November 24, 2017 Friday# Dayafterfullstomachandcan'tmove!

Get Fit
This is the day to get some exercise in to get rid of the extra calories you put in yesterday.  Maybe you will be putting on a lot of steps on your fitbit or whatever you use, while you shop.  Get ready for the overeating days of the holidays!  Try to do some over exercising to balance it out!

Get Faith
Revelations 22:1-9.  This section talks about the river of life that flows from the throne of heaven with the tree of life on both sides.  It gives you an image of a wonderful life of everything God has prepared for us.  The study writer mentions that this being the last chapter in the Bible speaks of the world to come in comparison to Genesis chapter one, in the beginning of the Bible.  God created a beautiful place for us to live and I wonder how terribly disappointed he was when we ruined it with sin.  It made me cry to think that the heaven we had here on earth was spoiled with our desire for sin. But He has promised that garden of Eden to us in the next life, you just need to believe.

On this day
2002 - This reminds me the bathroom needs repainting.  In 2002 Nicole and I plastered painted and re floored the entire house after they had worked on the bottom structure of the house.  Now it looks like I might have had a leak in the roof over the bathroom. (My roof was redone two years ago)  Not sure I have the energy to do it but I guess I will find it.  Do you always have that "next thing" to do in your house?  Just when you think you are done something else comes up?  Apartmental rental is looking better all the time.

1863 - During the Civil War, the battle for Lookout Mountain began in TennesseeThis reminds me of my friend Sandy (who's birthday is today) in 1965 going to Tower Mountain in Tennessee with two local boys.  Good times and good moon shine.

Hudson Bay Canada

York Factory

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
York Factory
HS34 1.jpg
York Factory in 1853
LocationManitoba, Canada
Area102 hectares (250 acres)
FounderHudson's Bay Company
Built1788 to 1850
Original useFort; military structure; fur trading post
Governing bodyParks Canada
WebsiteParks Canada official website
York Factory was a settlement and Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) factory (trading post) located on the southwestern shore of Hudson Bay in northeastern ManitobaCanada at the mouth of the Hayes River, approximately 200 kilometres (120 mi) south-southeast of Churchill. York Factory was one of the first fur-trading posts established by the HBC, built in 1684 and used in that business for more than 270 years. The settlement was headquarters of the HBC's Northern Department from 1821 to 1873.[1] The complex was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1936.[2]
In 1957, the HBC closed it down. It has been owned by the Canadian government since 1968 and the site is now operated by Parks Canada. There is currently no one living permanently at York Factory, aside from a summer residence for Parks Canada staff and nearby seasonal hunting camps. The wooden structure at the park site dates from 1831 and is the oldest and largest wooden structure built on permafrost in Canada.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  
Happy Birthday to Sandy 

Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017 Monday #Countyourblessings!thatyoudon'tliveinCanadianarctic!

Get Fit
Doing some yoga this afternoon!

Get Faith
John 16:33  "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulations:; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  This, along with the hymn I sang this morning "Count your blessings", reminds me that I have so much good in my life that I should be and am at peace in the Lord.  Whatever harms or befalls you in this world is only temporary.  Jesus has overcome all of our sorrow.

On this day
2000  Nicole was playing on the Varsity Basketball team at Southlake.  They made it to regionals but on this day they lost to Country Day.  Not to sound like sour grapes but Southlake is a Class C school very small with players made up from the area.  Country Day recruited and gave scholarships, as a private school, to build their athletic teams.   Our team had beat out all the Class A schools to achieve this position but there was no fair competition in this.  Not a fair comparison, but we were proud of how well our girls played.  Not sure if this practice still occurs.

1789 - New Jersey became the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights. Jeopardy

Hudson Bay Canada

Canadas most northern settlement?

Canada's most northern permanent settlement is Alert located on Ellesmere Island in the Nunavut Territory. It sits aprox. 817 km's, or 508 miles, from the north pole.
Mountain peaks (nunataks) projecting through the ice cap on northern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Can.The island, roughly 300 miles wide by 500 miles long (500 km wide by 800 km long) and covering an area of 75,767 square miles (196,236 square km), is the most rugged in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, with towering mountains (especially in the north), vast ice fields, and a deeply indented coastline. Cape Columbia, at latitude 83°07′ N, is the most northerly point of Canada, and Barbeau Peak, at an elevation of 8,583 feet (2,616 metres), is the highest point in Nunavut. Settlements, all quite small, include Eureka, Grise Ford (Aujuittuq), and Alert, a weather station and military outpost that is the northernmost community in North America. Petroleum deposits have been discovered on the island. During the summer of 2008, large portions of the Ayles, Markham, Ward-Hunt, and Serson ice shelves calved into icebergs.  brrrrrr

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary P!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 19, 2017 Sunday #God'swingscoverusall#loveGrandma!

Get Faith
I found a hymn this morning titled Under His Wings.  There are many mentions of being under the wings of God, and after all angels are portrayed with wings.  This hymn was popular during WW2 with the soldiers that needed to be under God's wings and feel his protection. Who doesn't know the  hymn On Eagles Wings?  Jesus mentioned wanting to be like a mother hen and gather his chicks under his wings.  Think about whether or not you think God has wings, I don't feel like He needs them.

On this day
Reprint from 1999:
1999 - Nicole had a paper route.  I should say Nicole and Grandma had a paper route.  Times change.  They would go out to Groesbeck and 14, pick up the papers and plastic bags and rubber bands, put them in the back seat and Grandma would bind or stuff bags and Nicole would put them on the porches.  I believe she had a couple of routes, there were a lot of papers.  How did the old boys do it on a bike?  Must have had a closer drop off spot and smaller routes.  Anyway, don't forget to tip your paper carrier (they all drive now a days) and maybe their grandma.

1999 - In Istanbul, Turkey, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) concluded a two-day summit after adopting a new arms accord. During the conference, Russia was criticized for its military campaign against Chechnya's separatist movement. I feel like people that aren't friendly about their neighbors freedoms are questionable good neighbors.

Hudson Bay Canada
The coast of Hudson Bay is extremely sparsely populated; there are only about a dozen communities. Some of these were founded as trading posts in the 17th and 18th centuries by the Hudson's Bay Company, making them some of the oldest settlements in Western Canada. With the closure of the HBC posts and stores, although many are now run by The North West Company,[27] in the second half of the 20th century, many coastal villages are now almost exclusively populated by Cree and Inuit people. Two main historic sites along the coast were York Factory and Prince of Wales Fort.
Communities along the Hudson Bay coast or on islands in the bay are (all populations are as of 2016):  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Marylou 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017 Saturday #lazydaygoodforwatchingmoviesanddrinkingtea.

Get Fit
Still thinking of doing AM yoga in front of the fireplace....mmmm.

Get Faith
Isaiah 30:18  "Yet the Lord still waits for you to come to him so he can  show you his love; he will conquer you to bless you, just as he said.  For the Lord is faithful to his promises.  Blessed are all those who wait for Him to help them."  Are you one of my friends that believe God has given up on you?  He has not, he has all the time in the world and then some.  Your blessings are waiting for you.

On this day
1989  It was a Saturday and I took Nicole and Aaron to Skateworld in Troy for Jon Hylands birthday party.  Now, Jon has Emmitt, soon to be 4 and Jacob who is 2 months old.  Blessings!

1477 - William Caxton produced "Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres," which was the first book to be printed in England.  Wish I had a copy of that on my bookshelf!

Hudson Bay Canada

Arctic Bridge[edit]

The Arctic Bridge shipping route(blue line) is hoped to link North America to markets in Europe and Asia using ice-free routes across the Arctic Ocean
The longer periods of ice-free navigation and the reduction of Arctic Ocean ice coverage have led to Russian and Canadian interest in the potential for commercial trade routes across the Arctic and into Hudson Bay. The so-called Arctic Bridge would link Churchill, Manitoba, and the Russian port of Murmansk.[26]

That is interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017 Friday#relearn#Knowthis!#badboatwearpicture#Nastapokaarc!

Get Fit
I have adjusted to playing my exercise DVD's on my laptop so I can still get beat up by Jillian.  See you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Get Faith
Romans 8:28  "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans."  Do you know this?  I have had many instances when miraculously something happens to get me out of a jam.  I do believe that God does work for our good and I know I can depend on him for help, I hope you know that too.

On this day
1988  After work I ran out to Kathy's to pick up Aaron so we could take the kids for Christmas photos as we started doing when Nicole was born.  They started with just the kids and ended up being family pictures every year.  Now I don't even know where they are.  As with your pictures, some were good and some I put away for good reason.  The kids always looked great!  You are lucky I couldn't find it.

1988 - Benazir Bhutto became the first woman leader of an Islamic country. She was elected in the first democratic elections in Pakistan in 11 years.  So what has happened since then?  An Islamic woman?

Hudson Bay Canada
Some geologists disagree about what created the semicircular feature, known as the Nastapoka arc, of the bay. The overwhelming consensus is that it is an arcuate boundary of tectonic origin between the Belcher Fold Belt and undeformed basement of the Superior Craton created during the Trans-Hudson orogen.
Some geologists have argued that Hudson Bay is possibly related to a Precambrian extraterrestrial impact and have compared it to Mare Crisium on the Moon. However, no credible evidence for such an impact crater has been found by regional magnetic, Bouguer gravity, and geologic studies.[25]
The Nastapoka arc is a geological feature located on the southeastern shore of Hudson BayCanada. It is a near-perfect circular arc, covering more than 160° of a 450-km-diameter circle.
Due to its shape, the arc was long suspected as the remnant of an ancient impact crater.[1] However, studies have cast doubt on this. In August 1972, Robert S. Dietz and J. Paul Barringer conducted an extensive search of much of the Nastapoka arc with First Nations and Inuit canoes and fishing boatsin an investigation of its impact origin. They examined the abundant and extensive rock exposures that occur within the region of the Nastapoka arc and found a complete lack of shatter conessuevite-type or other unusual melt rocks, pseudotachylite or mylonite, radial faults or fractures, unusual injection breccias, or any other evidence of shock metamorphism.[2]
Given the lack of evidence for an impact crater, the arc is now commonly regarded to be an arcuate boundary created during the Trans-Hudson orogen, of tectonic origin between the Belcher Fold Belt and granitic rocks of the Superior Craton.[3][4]  For the inquiring mind.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jeff and Jon!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16, 2017 Thursday#laps#can'tfearifGodisourrefuge#HeyDad!usuallythebigger$earner#Grace!

Get Fit
I walked the gym for about 15 minutes prior to Bible Study.  I forget how many laps equaled a mile or whatever.  I just know I did laps at a good pace for 15 minutes, and it is a standard high school type gym.  Work something into your day!

Get Faith
Psalm 46:1-2 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear."  A family recently had twins that were delivered way to early.  They have been in the hospital ICU Pediatrics for 14 weeks.  Our church and all friends on social media have been diligently praying for those tiny boys.. One boy got home a short time ago and the other came home today.  Happy thanksgiving to Theo and Rory!! And the parents and grandparents! All of of us who prayed so hard.

On this day
1987  I see on social media when kids get sick who stays home with them or who gets to babysit.  I see Mom's that get sick and take the kids to school and go to work anyway.  I see whole families home sick on the couch watching Frozen for the 100th time.  Reading back on my days with the kids, it was the same.  I would note that I had a terrible head cold and a cough and then in the next sentence I would say Linda brought Denise over for me to babysit.  I did laundry and made dinner.  It is ongoing.  We only get a break if Mom or grandma is in the vicinity or grandpa....I'd like to tell you that it gets better ...but.

1885 - Canadian rebel Louis Riel was executed for high treason. Remember this for Jeopardy!

Hudson Bay Canada


Map of post-glacial rebound. Hudson Bay is in the region of the most rapid uplift.
The Bay is near the centre of a major gravity anomaly which has been mapped in some detail by the GRACE satellites. Current theory suggests that about two-thirds of this effect is due to downwards mantle convection under the bay area, while one-third is due to post-glacial rebound since the Laurentide Ice Sheet melted. Lands to the west of the Bay are rising as much as 17 mm (0.67 in) per year.[24]

did you get that?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Cholo and Sheldon!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017 Wednesday #Shegotlegs!#towalkHispath#inHiscare#NunavutandCree

Get Fit
Worked out the legs today and now going to walk the aisles of Kmart.  Hey!  It counts!

Get Faith
Psalm 84:11  "He gives us grace and glory.  No good thing will he withhold from those who walk along his paths"  What struck me with this verse was the "paths", plural.  We always think of the straight and narrow being one path, only one right way to go.  This says paths.  What is your understanding of this?  I think we (all people) travel different paths, in different places, cultures and times.  God appears to acknowledge this here and let's us know that whatever path we are on, He is with us.  Love the Lord! Always ahead of us isn't He?

On this day
1984  Just to let Christine know -  you were in Las Vegas this week.  Which meant I must have had to work real hard.  Lol.  I wonder if this was the time you thought you were going to die on the plane when it dropped quite far in the air?  It was also the day I got a call from my Obstetrician that I needed to have an amniocentesis to make sure the baby was ok.  Both events cause for alarm.

1777 - The Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, precursor to the U.S. Constitution. I'm thinking not as many men, no pay - got this done in a hurry!

Hudson Bay Canada
There are many islands in Hudson Bay, mostly near the eastern coast. All, as are the islands in James Bay, are part of the territory Nunavut and several are disputed by the Cree.[23] 

One group of islands is On April 1, 1999, Akimiski Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, became part of the newly created Inuit-dominated territory of Nunavut, even though the Inuit never asserted Aboriginal title to this island. This is why the Omushkegowuk Cree of the western James Bay region of Ontario, Canada, assert Aboriginal title over this island. Essentially, the Government of Canada has reversed the onus of responsibility for proving Aboriginal title from the Inuit to the Cree. In this paper, we examined whether the Omushkegowuk Cree fulfill all the criteria of the common law test of Aboriginal title with respect to Akimiski Island, utilizing all available printed and online material. All criteria of the common law test of Aboriginal title were met; however, the written record only alludes to the Cree using Akimiski Island at the time of first contact and prior, Cree oral history was consulted to illuminate upon this matter. Thought you would like to know.  Indian rights.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Megan V

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November 14, 2017 Tuesday #lazy#myFather'sworld#rewards#Polarbears!

Get Fit
Did some weight lifting this morning.  I'm beginning to realize I need a trainer to push me, I stop way before I get over tired or sweaty.  I am pretty sure you are supposed to get to that point.  Right?

Get Faith
Psalm 104:24 Inspired this poem by Maltbie Babcock:
This my Father's world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas: His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father"s world, the bird their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white declare their Maker's praise.
This is my Father's world: He shines in all that's fair:
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass: He speaks to me everywhere.

On this day
1983  I was being wooed by my second husband that I had recently met.  He sent me roses very often at work - he was determined.  Considering my roommates - my brother and Alice and one of the guys I worked with, Rocco, we had an interesting life.  Rocco and I drove to work most days together and this day he drove me to racquetball in the evening.  Most guys would have been deterred by my busy lifestyle, but not Mark.  Sure glad he hung in there because I got Nicole out of the deal.

1983 - The British government announced that U.S.-made cruise missiles had arrived at the Greenham Common air base amid protests. 
  Britain's Defense Secretary, Michael Heseltine, told a deeply divided House of Commons that the shipment, delivered to Greenham Common air base by a United States plane, meant that an unspecified number of cruise missiles would be operational on schedule by the end of the year.  And we blame the current politics?

Hudson Bay Canada
Polar Bear Provincial Park is an isolated wilderness park in the far north of OntarioCanada. It lies on the western shore where James Bay joins Hudson Bay. The terrain is part of the Hudson Bay Lowlands and features unspoiled low-lying tundra[1] in the Hudson Plains ecozone.
Administered by Ontario Parks, the 23,552 square kilometres (9,093 sq mi) Polar Bear Provincial Park is the largest park in Ontario. It has no visitor facilities, is reachable only by air, and special permission is required before visiting it. Its primary purpose is the preservation of habitat for wildlife, especially the several hundred polar bears that migrate through the area.
Visitors to Polar Bear should be prepared for any eventuality. They should bring at least one week's extra supplies in case their departure is delayed due to bad weather. Tents should not rise any higher than necessary, due to the possibility of strong winds. Polar Bear Provincial Park has been designated as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention since May 1987.  Sounds like a great place for polar bears or the strong of heart!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diana D and William S!