Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November 7, 2017 Tuesday#technology!#Obeytherules!#Konstantine#Mutiny!

Get Fit
In a reorganizing state with workouts.  I only have my DVDs and my player hooked up to the TV doesn't work.  I am left with playing them on my laptop, which is also a struggle for me, but I got it this morning and did AM Yoga.  Nicole also got me a new 7 phone.  I am in technology hell this week. But I love my new phone!

Get Faith
Psalm 119:76-77  "Now let your unfailing love comfort me, just as you promised me, your servant.  Surround me with your tender mercies so I may live, for your law is my delight."  I understand this to remind us of the comfort of knowing the rules and the rewards for keeping them.  For our own purposes we are better when we don't push the limits of the law, which is designed to keep us safe.  This comes from our Father in heaven that sets the example for our parents and other law enforcers.  As we have seen in the paper and on the news many people don't have that basic fear of breaking the rules and the accompanying punishment.  God help those who need to be reminded.

On this day
1976  Pete and I went to the marina, probably to clean off the boat before it was pulled out for the winter.  We stopped by his parents house after that.  I was very fond of them.  Eric was German and Tatjiana was Estonian (Russian).  There house was very European in decor and in the way they lived and ate.  I enjoyed their customs and remembered after reading this that my cousin adopted a young boy from Russia and brought him here and then deserted him.  Think I will check with Konstantine and see how he is doing.

1917 - Russia's Bolshevik Revolution took place. The provisional government of Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. This might have been a reason that Tatjiana and her mother Xana had to leave Estonia as they were hierarchy.  They might have left in the early 1940's after communism spread.  Pete was born in Czechoslovakia as they made their escape.

Hudson Bay Canada


Canada, Routes of Explorers, 1497 to 1905
English explorers and colonists named Hudson Bay after Sir Henry Hudson who explored the bay beginning August 2, 1610 on his ship Discovery.[13]:170On his fourth voyage to North America, Hudson worked his way around Greenland's west coast and into the bay, mapping much of its eastern coast. Discovery became trapped in the ice over the winter, and the crew survived onshore at the southern tip of James Bay. When the ice cleared in the spring, Hudson wanted to explore the rest of the area, but the crew mutinied on June 22, 1611. They left Hudson and others adrift in a small boat. No one knows the fate of Hudson or the crew members stranded with him, but historians see no evidence that they survived for long afterwards.[13]:185

wow!  mutiny is right!

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Emily!! 

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