Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017 Wednesday #Shegotlegs!#towalkHispath#inHiscare#NunavutandCree

Get Fit
Worked out the legs today and now going to walk the aisles of Kmart.  Hey!  It counts!

Get Faith
Psalm 84:11  "He gives us grace and glory.  No good thing will he withhold from those who walk along his paths"  What struck me with this verse was the "paths", plural.  We always think of the straight and narrow being one path, only one right way to go.  This says paths.  What is your understanding of this?  I think we (all people) travel different paths, in different places, cultures and times.  God appears to acknowledge this here and let's us know that whatever path we are on, He is with us.  Love the Lord! Always ahead of us isn't He?

On this day
1984  Just to let Christine know -  you were in Las Vegas this week.  Which meant I must have had to work real hard.  Lol.  I wonder if this was the time you thought you were going to die on the plane when it dropped quite far in the air?  It was also the day I got a call from my Obstetrician that I needed to have an amniocentesis to make sure the baby was ok.  Both events cause for alarm.

1777 - The Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, precursor to the U.S. Constitution. I'm thinking not as many men, no pay - got this done in a hurry!

Hudson Bay Canada
There are many islands in Hudson Bay, mostly near the eastern coast. All, as are the islands in James Bay, are part of the territory Nunavut and several are disputed by the Cree.[23] 

One group of islands is On April 1, 1999, Akimiski Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, became part of the newly created Inuit-dominated territory of Nunavut, even though the Inuit never asserted Aboriginal title to this island. This is why the Omushkegowuk Cree of the western James Bay region of Ontario, Canada, assert Aboriginal title over this island. Essentially, the Government of Canada has reversed the onus of responsibility for proving Aboriginal title from the Inuit to the Cree. In this paper, we examined whether the Omushkegowuk Cree fulfill all the criteria of the common law test of Aboriginal title with respect to Akimiski Island, utilizing all available printed and online material. All criteria of the common law test of Aboriginal title were met; however, the written record only alludes to the Cree using Akimiski Island at the time of first contact and prior, Cree oral history was consulted to illuminate upon this matter. Thought you would like to know.  Indian rights.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Megan V

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