Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16, 2017 Thursday#laps#can'tfearifGodisourrefuge#HeyDad!usuallythebigger$earner#Grace!

Get Fit
I walked the gym for about 15 minutes prior to Bible Study.  I forget how many laps equaled a mile or whatever.  I just know I did laps at a good pace for 15 minutes, and it is a standard high school type gym.  Work something into your day!

Get Faith
Psalm 46:1-2 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear."  A family recently had twins that were delivered way to early.  They have been in the hospital ICU Pediatrics for 14 weeks.  Our church and all friends on social media have been diligently praying for those tiny boys.. One boy got home a short time ago and the other came home today.  Happy thanksgiving to Theo and Rory!! And the parents and grandparents! All of of us who prayed so hard.

On this day
1987  I see on social media when kids get sick who stays home with them or who gets to babysit.  I see Mom's that get sick and take the kids to school and go to work anyway.  I see whole families home sick on the couch watching Frozen for the 100th time.  Reading back on my days with the kids, it was the same.  I would note that I had a terrible head cold and a cough and then in the next sentence I would say Linda brought Denise over for me to babysit.  I did laundry and made dinner.  It is ongoing.  We only get a break if Mom or grandma is in the vicinity or grandpa....I'd like to tell you that it gets better ...but.

1885 - Canadian rebel Louis Riel was executed for high treason. Remember this for Jeopardy!

Hudson Bay Canada


Map of post-glacial rebound. Hudson Bay is in the region of the most rapid uplift.
The Bay is near the centre of a major gravity anomaly which has been mapped in some detail by the GRACE satellites. Current theory suggests that about two-thirds of this effect is due to downwards mantle convection under the bay area, while one-third is due to post-glacial rebound since the Laurentide Ice Sheet melted. Lands to the west of the Bay are rising as much as 17 mm (0.67 in) per year.[24]

did you get that?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Cholo and Sheldon!!

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