Thursday, November 9, 2017

November 9, 2017 Thursday #Stayhealthy#GettheSpirit#companycake#renamed!

Get Fit
Did some laps in the church basement this morning before Bible study.  I have spent enough time in that church that it feels like home.  It is getting cold now and I'm not a fan of cold so it will either be the church gym or YMCA on the treadmill.  How is your exercise plan coming?  You know you feel better when you do and it helps to ward off the winter colds/flu and doldrums!

Get Faith
Romans 8:27  "Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God."   He being God, the Holy Spirit who prays for the saints (us) to keep us in God's grace.  We discussed the Spirituality of Lutheranism this morning in study.  Pastor doesn't like the term "spiritual".  I think, simply because it is over used in today's world.  I only think of the Holy Spirit when I think of Spirituality - not candles, incense and moonlit lakes.  There is a trend for people to get in touch with their inner selves - I suggest you let the Holy Spirit do that for you.

On this day
1978  Chris and I went to lunch at Miriam Parels.  She was a customer of ours at Quality and just the nicest lady you could ever meet.  She gave me a recipe that day for a fast sweet bread to make for unexpected visitors.  She said it was an old Jewish recipe - I still have it.  Somewhere.

1906 - U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt left for Panama to see the progress on the new canal. It was the first foreign trip by a U.S.president. Pretty sure it wasn't by Airforce One!

Hudson Bay Canada
HBC's trade monopoly was abolished in 1870, and it ceded Rupert's Land to Canada, an area of approximately 3,900,000 km2 (1,500,000 sq mi), as part of the Northwest Territories.[15]:427Starting in 1913, the Bay was extensively charted by the Canadian Government's CSS Acadia to develop it for navigation.[18] This mapping progress led to the establishment of Churchill, Manitoba as a deep-sea port for wheat exports in 1929, after unsuccessful attempts at Port Nelson.
Due to a change in naming conventions, Hudson's Bay is now called Hudson Bay.
The Northwest Territories (NT or NWT) (Frenchles Territoires du Nord-OuestTNOAthabaskan languagesDenendehInuinnaqtunNunatsiaqInuktitut: ᓄᓇᑦᓯᐊᖅ) is a territory of Canada. At a land area of approximately 1,144,000 km2 (442,000 sq mi) and a 2011 population of 41,462, it is the second-largest and the most populous of the three territories in Northern Canada.[7] Its estimated population as of 2016 is 44,291.[4] Yellowknife became the territorial capital in 1967, following recommendations by the Carrothers Commission.
The Northwest Territories, a portion of the old North-West Territory, entered the Canadian Confederation on July 15, 1870, but the current borders were formed on April 1, 1999, when the territory was subdivided to create Nunavut to the east, via the Nunavut Act and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement.[8][9] While Nunavut is mostly Arctic tundra, the Northwest Territories has a slightly warmer climate and is both boreal forest (taiga), and tundra, and its most northern regions form part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
The Northwest Territories are bordered by Canada's two other territories, Nunavut to the east and Yukon to the west, and by the provinces of British ColumbiaAlberta, and Saskatchewan to the south.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Donn W.

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