Sunday, November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017 Sunday HopeintheLord#hairwashingwasajob#killforthejob?#Winipekw

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not be faint."  Do you hope in the Lord?  This has been my verse this year.  I healed pretty quickly after lung cancer surgery, and then respiratory flu 2 months later.  I have regained my strength and and can walk a good distance.  I will keep hoping in the Lord as reminded by the Pastor this morning in his sermon.

On this day
1974  I worked then went home and cleaned house, went to Kmart, called Mom and Adele, Pete called and after that I washed my hair.  I can't imagine doing all those things after working all day now.  (Not that I work anymore)  Not sure I could accomplish all that in one day - not working.  AND I noticed that back in those days I always added that I washed my hair. If you are my age and remember having long hair in those days you will know what I am talking about.  The washing part wasn't all that different than today, but it is what came after that.  We would roll our wet hair up on brush rollers, or sponge rollers or some type of roller, then we would sit under a hair dryer for an hour that was like a hood or had an air hose attached to a shower cap looking thing.  There you sat.  Somedays you might have set your hair and then slept on it, with the rollers in, yep!  If this process was prior to going out, you had to spend at least a half hour doing the comb out and styling.  It was hugely time consuming. On this day, as I wasn't going out I probably slept on them, ouch!

1974 - Ella T. Grasso was elected governor of Connecticut. She was the first woman in the U.S. to win a governorship without succeeding her husband. Wow!  What really amazes me is that some women inherited the job from their husband?!?  Really?  Without a vote?  Seriously!?

Hudson Bay Canada
File:Hudson bay sunset Canada.jpgThe Eastern Cree name for Hudson and James Bay is Wînipekw (Southern dialect) or Wînipâkw (Northern dialect), meaning muddy or brackish water. Lake Winnipeg is similarly named by the local Cree, as is the location for the city of WinnipegThis is more than a bay it is more like an inland sea!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to John and Deborah!

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