Sunday, November 12, 2017

November 12, 2017 Sunday#Safeinthearms#toomuchjoy#longestshoreline!

Get Faith
Romans 15:13  "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  When someone wants to know why I go to church, what I get out of it and look at me like it's a joke, I hope I can remember this - "joy and peace in believing".  There is so much more, I am saved for life eternal by Jesus's death and resurrection to make a point, but I think people are only concerned with the here and now so joy and peace are a great place to start.  Think about falling asleep tonight knowing that God has you in his arms.

On this day
1981  As every year at this time the last offshore boat race of the season is happening in Key West.  My friend Chuck called me and said that they came in third in the final run, not bad for world competition, but he expected to win.  I guess we always go in for the win, but 3rd place paid well too.  I talked to Pat and Sherry this morning, thinking that they had came home because they called last night, but they called from Key West to find out what color and size shirt I wanted.  Lol, they sounded like they were still not home from the bar last night.  Some things don't change. 

1840 - Sculptor Auguste Rodin was born in Paris. His most widely known works are "The Kiss" and "The Thinker." 
The Kiss (Rodin sculpture)Product DetailsNow you know!

Hudson Bay Canada


The western shores of the bay are a lowland known as the Hudson Bay Lowlands which covers 324,000 km2 (125,000 sq mi). The area is drained by a large number of rivers and has formed a characteristic vegetation known as muskeg. Much of the landform has been shaped by the actions of glaciersand the shrinkage of the bay over long periods of time. Signs of numerous former beachfronts can be seen far inland from the current shore. A large portion of the lowlands in the province of Ontario is part of the Polar Bear Provincial Park, and a similar portion of the lowlands in Manitoba is contained in Wapusk National Park, the latter location being a significant polar bear maternity denning area.[22]
In contrast, most of the eastern shores (the Quebec portion) form the western edge of the Canadian Shield in Quebec. The area is rocky and hilly. Its vegetation is typically boreal forest, and to the north, tundra.
Measured by shoreline, Hudson Bay is the largest bay in the world (the largest in area being the Bay of Bengal).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Scott and Mackenzie

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