Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17, 2017 Friday#relearn#Knowthis!#badboatwearpicture#Nastapokaarc!

Get Fit
I have adjusted to playing my exercise DVD's on my laptop so I can still get beat up by Jillian.  See you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Get Faith
Romans 8:28  "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans."  Do you know this?  I have had many instances when miraculously something happens to get me out of a jam.  I do believe that God does work for our good and I know I can depend on him for help, I hope you know that too.

On this day
1988  After work I ran out to Kathy's to pick up Aaron so we could take the kids for Christmas photos as we started doing when Nicole was born.  They started with just the kids and ended up being family pictures every year.  Now I don't even know where they are.  As with your pictures, some were good and some I put away for good reason.  The kids always looked great!  You are lucky I couldn't find it.

1988 - Benazir Bhutto became the first woman leader of an Islamic country. She was elected in the first democratic elections in Pakistan in 11 years.  So what has happened since then?  An Islamic woman?

Hudson Bay Canada
Some geologists disagree about what created the semicircular feature, known as the Nastapoka arc, of the bay. The overwhelming consensus is that it is an arcuate boundary of tectonic origin between the Belcher Fold Belt and undeformed basement of the Superior Craton created during the Trans-Hudson orogen.
Some geologists have argued that Hudson Bay is possibly related to a Precambrian extraterrestrial impact and have compared it to Mare Crisium on the Moon. However, no credible evidence for such an impact crater has been found by regional magnetic, Bouguer gravity, and geologic studies.[25]
The Nastapoka arc is a geological feature located on the southeastern shore of Hudson BayCanada. It is a near-perfect circular arc, covering more than 160° of a 450-km-diameter circle.
Due to its shape, the arc was long suspected as the remnant of an ancient impact crater.[1] However, studies have cast doubt on this. In August 1972, Robert S. Dietz and J. Paul Barringer conducted an extensive search of much of the Nastapoka arc with First Nations and Inuit canoes and fishing boatsin an investigation of its impact origin. They examined the abundant and extensive rock exposures that occur within the region of the Nastapoka arc and found a complete lack of shatter conessuevite-type or other unusual melt rocks, pseudotachylite or mylonite, radial faults or fractures, unusual injection breccias, or any other evidence of shock metamorphism.[2]
Given the lack of evidence for an impact crater, the arc is now commonly regarded to be an arcuate boundary created during the Trans-Hudson orogen, of tectonic origin between the Belcher Fold Belt and granitic rocks of the Superior Craton.[3][4]  For the inquiring mind.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jeff and Jon!

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