Sunday, November 19, 2017

November 19, 2017 Sunday #God'swingscoverusall#loveGrandma!

Get Faith
I found a hymn this morning titled Under His Wings.  There are many mentions of being under the wings of God, and after all angels are portrayed with wings.  This hymn was popular during WW2 with the soldiers that needed to be under God's wings and feel his protection. Who doesn't know the  hymn On Eagles Wings?  Jesus mentioned wanting to be like a mother hen and gather his chicks under his wings.  Think about whether or not you think God has wings, I don't feel like He needs them.

On this day
Reprint from 1999:
1999 - Nicole had a paper route.  I should say Nicole and Grandma had a paper route.  Times change.  They would go out to Groesbeck and 14, pick up the papers and plastic bags and rubber bands, put them in the back seat and Grandma would bind or stuff bags and Nicole would put them on the porches.  I believe she had a couple of routes, there were a lot of papers.  How did the old boys do it on a bike?  Must have had a closer drop off spot and smaller routes.  Anyway, don't forget to tip your paper carrier (they all drive now a days) and maybe their grandma.

1999 - In Istanbul, Turkey, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) concluded a two-day summit after adopting a new arms accord. During the conference, Russia was criticized for its military campaign against Chechnya's separatist movement. I feel like people that aren't friendly about their neighbors freedoms are questionable good neighbors.

Hudson Bay Canada
The coast of Hudson Bay is extremely sparsely populated; there are only about a dozen communities. Some of these were founded as trading posts in the 17th and 18th centuries by the Hudson's Bay Company, making them some of the oldest settlements in Western Canada. With the closure of the HBC posts and stores, although many are now run by The North West Company,[27] in the second half of the 20th century, many coastal villages are now almost exclusively populated by Cree and Inuit people. Two main historic sites along the coast were York Factory and Prince of Wales Fort.
Communities along the Hudson Bay coast or on islands in the bay are (all populations are as of 2016):  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Marylou 

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