Saturday, November 11, 2017

November 11, 2017 Saturday#Veteran'sRock#Joy#firstbabyforPam!#smallcrustaceans

Get Fit
It's Veteran's Day.  Boot camp would be a great workout today but my tape won't play.  Today let's think of all those young men and women that join the armed services and go through a rigorous training to get ready for conflict.  Think of how many people marched off to war in the best physical shape they ever were in only to be killed in action.  They worked out till they could drop into those army cots for a few hours sleep only to get up a few hours later and start all over.  Thank a vet today!

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:30  "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones."  I like the whole idea of this - if you look happy and act kind and supportive to others you will feel better all over.  Hey!  let's give it a try.

On this day
1980  My friend Pam was awaiting the birth of her first son, that turned out to be Jon.  She was the first of my close friends to go down this path and her and I were the only ones that had children in my immediate group.  Now Jon has two sons of his own, Emmett and Jacob.  Life goes around and around and around - like the cheerio commercial.

1851 - The telescope was patented by Alvan Clark. In keeping with today's news he was probably spying on his neighbors.

Hudson Bay Canada

Food Chain

Hudson Bay contains great quantities of nutrient salts and small crustaceans occupy the open waters, providing food for molluscs, starfish, sea urchins, worms and other invertebrates. Cod, halibut, salmon and polar plaice are the most common fish. Walrus, dolphins and killer whales live in the northern regions and polar bears migrate south to hunt seals among the ice. Some 200 species of birds including ducks, snow geese, gulls, swans, sandpipers, owls and crows gather on the coasts and islands.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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