Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017 Friday #Stretchalot#givealot#carealot#travelalot!

Get Fit
Stretches and strength.  Still working on getting in 3 - 1 minute planks.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
Luke 6:38  "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.  For the measure you give will be the measure you get back."  This is absolutely true.  Goodness, those things you give or do for someone else certainly returns to you.  What experience have you had with this?

On this day
2015  I had been neighbors with Al across the street for near 40 years.  Her family did not spend a lot of time with her, she had a sister close by that she went out to dinner with and played cards with but, when something was going on at her house - I was the one who saw it.  You don't necessarily see your neighbors coming and going, etc next door, but across the street, yes.  I made a point of watching out for her, and she was getting dementia.  On this day I noticed the girl (38) that lived with her mother occasionally, next door, standing on Al's porch.  I saw Al talk to her and then go into the house and come back and hand her something.  Another time I had seen her drive the girl somewhere.  Alex was a heroin addict, as was her sister Colleen that had died of an OD before this.  This time I ran out of the house and confronted Alex.  I told her that she was not to take advantage of Al and her generous attitude AND she was never to ask for a ride ANYWHERE.  I spoke to Al about it later but she had no memory of the incident.  My threat with Alex worked, at least I think it did.  Al has gone to live with her daughter.  I don't see her or talk to her because it upsets her to see me, she wants to come home.  It upsets me too.

1507 - Leonardo DaVinci was commissioned by the husband of Lisa Gherardini to paint her. The work is known as the Mona Lisa. Wow 1507, more than 500 years ago.

Road trip from Chaplin Saskatchewan Canada To Hudson Bay
Starting off at Chaplin heading East on 1 first stop Moosejaw:
Moose Jaw  Moose Jaw, Canada - WolpyLet's go before this happens:  Up 2 to Chamberlain Village:
Chamberlain's Business District along Highway 11 maybe have lunch here.
On 2 we run along the west side of the Last Mountain Lake past a few towns to Simpson:

Everything you need here!
Going North to 15 where we will head East to Nokomis Where we will turn left on20 and head north to Lockwood which has been abandoned so we will travel up to Lanigan:
Lanigan need any potash?
WE turn East on 761 and 20 heading north and east through a lot of country until we get to 6 and head north to Watson:

WE head north on 6 to 349 and then go East again!  We get to Dalton;

WE go north to 3 and East into Hudson Bay!

Distance between The Pas and Hudson Bay. How many miles ... Let's get a room and start exploring tomorrow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Cherie!

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