Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017 Monday #Countyourblessings!thatyoudon'tliveinCanadianarctic!

Get Fit
Doing some yoga this afternoon!

Get Faith
John 16:33  "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulations:; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  This, along with the hymn I sang this morning "Count your blessings", reminds me that I have so much good in my life that I should be and am at peace in the Lord.  Whatever harms or befalls you in this world is only temporary.  Jesus has overcome all of our sorrow.

On this day
2000  Nicole was playing on the Varsity Basketball team at Southlake.  They made it to regionals but on this day they lost to Country Day.  Not to sound like sour grapes but Southlake is a Class C school very small with players made up from the area.  Country Day recruited and gave scholarships, as a private school, to build their athletic teams.   Our team had beat out all the Class A schools to achieve this position but there was no fair competition in this.  Not a fair comparison, but we were proud of how well our girls played.  Not sure if this practice still occurs.

1789 - New Jersey became the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights. Jeopardy

Hudson Bay Canada

Canadas most northern settlement?

Canada's most northern permanent settlement is Alert located on Ellesmere Island in the Nunavut Territory. It sits aprox. 817 km's, or 508 miles, from the north pole.
Mountain peaks (nunataks) projecting through the ice cap on northern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Can.The island, roughly 300 miles wide by 500 miles long (500 km wide by 800 km long) and covering an area of 75,767 square miles (196,236 square km), is the most rugged in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, with towering mountains (especially in the north), vast ice fields, and a deeply indented coastline. Cape Columbia, at latitude 83°07′ N, is the most northerly point of Canada, and Barbeau Peak, at an elevation of 8,583 feet (2,616 metres), is the highest point in Nunavut. Settlements, all quite small, include Eureka, Grise Ford (Aujuittuq), and Alert, a weather station and military outpost that is the northernmost community in North America. Petroleum deposits have been discovered on the island. During the summer of 2008, large portions of the Ayles, Markham, Ward-Hunt, and Serson ice shelves calved into icebergs.  brrrrrr

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary P!

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