Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 8, 2017 Wednesday #Warrior!Warrior#ZiggyMeechieRoadtrip#Sacagawea!#Tradingpost

Get Fit 
I did some warm ups and stretches, including warrior.  Warrior must be done in perfect symmetry,  with you bent thigh level to the floor foot lined with the arch of the extended leg foot behind you.  Arms must be extended evenly from shoulders - perfect posture with your face looking out over arm of bent leg side.  Now take 5 deep breaths and try not to fall over.

Get Faith
Psalm 16:8-9  "I have set the Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices."  If you say that first verse while doing the Warrior, seeing the Lord at your extended hand, before you, it may help you to not be shaken.  That should make your heart glad!  Psalm 16 every time you do warrior!  Keeping from falling in two different ways. God is my warrior and I will be a warrior for God.

On this day
1977  I sold my little Austin Healey Sprite on this day.  I'm sure Pete wasn't too happy but he did get it started for the person that purchased it.  Pete put a lot of work into restoring and fixing that car up.  I think everyone should have a little sportscar at one time or another in their life although the way people drive today I'm not sure how safe it is to be driving something slightly larger than a kiddie car. I remember putting the top down on the car and taking my cat and dog (on leashes) in the boot for a ride to the dairy queen.  They would share a small cone, both licking at the same time.  I loved seeing Ziggy with his ears blowing in the wind in my review mirror and the cat hunkering down beside him. Did you travel with pets?

1805 - The "Corps of Discovery" reached the Pacific Ocean. The expedition was led by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. The journey had begun on May 14, 1804, with the goal of exploring the Louisiana Purchase territory. Hey weren't these the guys that took a woman along so they wouldn't get lost?  Can you say Sacagawea?

Hudson Bay Canada

In 1668, Nonsuch reached the bay and traded for beaver pelts, leading to the creation of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) which still bears the historic name.[14] The HBC negotiated a trading monopoly from the English crown for the Hudson Bay watershed, called Rupert's Land.[15]:4 France contested this grant by sending several military expeditions to the region, but abandoned its claim in the Treaty of Utrecht (April 1713).[16]
During this period, the Hudson's Bay Company built several factories (forts and trading posts) along the coast at the mouth of the major rivers (such as Fort Severn, OntarioYork Factory and Churchill, Manitoba). The strategic locations were bases for inland exploration. More importantly, they were trading posts with the indigenous peoples who came to them with furs from their trapping season. The HBC shipped the furs to Europe and continued to use some of these posts well into the 20th century. The Port of Churchill was an important shipping link for trade with Europe and Russia until its closure in 2016 by owner OmniTRAX.[17]  Progress through business!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Robyn and Willie C!

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