Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017 Monday#Beprepared#Giveajoyfulshout#CRASH#Lowlands

Get Fit
I did pilates and then Nicole asked me to go to the gym with her.  She was ready to walk out the door, I had on my nightgown over my yoga pants with knee socks and my Put in Bay Zip up hoodie over the top.  I had to put the garbage out this morning and decided what I had on was warm and comfortable.  I politely declined the offer.

Get Faith
I have started singing a hymn each morning before I start my prayers.  It is a new habit I have developed.  Today it was America the Beautiful and coming right after Veteran's Day, very appropriate.  Romans 12:12  "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  Good advice for this Monday morning.  We have so much to be joyful about!

On this day
1982  Yesterday I mentioned that my friends boat, in 1981, came in 3rd.  This year they won their class.  I had a lot of company at the house this day because Ty left his Cadillac here for me to drive, while they were in Key West.  On my way home on the night before we had a terrible rain storm.  I was coming home from work on 8 mile and the light at Dequindre was out and their was a female cop in the intersection directing traffic.  It was pitch black from the storm and probably an inch of water on the road.  I wasn't going very fast and the officer held up her hand for me to stop , along with the other 3 lanes.  I stopped but then the cop started waving wildly at me to come ahead, I was real confused until a car smashed into me and drove me through the intersection almost running over the poor cop who jumped out of the way.  I was so mad, I jumped out of the car and ran back to the car that hit me intent on punching them in the face.  It was an old man who's face had already been punched by the steering wheel, all bloody and he was crying.  I walked back to Ty's very badly damaged car.  But at least the boat won!

1982 - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, DC. 

vietnam_veteran_memorial_cc_imgSuch a loss!

Hudson Bay Canada
Hudson Bay Lowlands are a vast wetland located between the Canadian Shield and southern shores of Hudson Bay and James Bay. Most of the area lies within the province of Ontario, with smaller portions reaching into Manitoba and Quebec. Many wide and slow-moving rivers flow through this area toward the salt water of Hudson Bay: these include the ChurchillNelson and Hayes in Manitoba, SevernFawnWinisk, Asheweig, EkwanAttawapiskat, and Albany in Ontario, and the HarricanaRupert and Eastmain in Quebec.[1] This is the largest wetland in Canada, and one of the largest in the world.[2] The region can be subdivided into three bands running roughly northwest to southeast: the Coastal Hudson Bay Lowland (a narrow band along the northern coast),[3] Hudson Bay Lowland (a broader band extending to slightly south of the Ekwan River),[4] and James Bay Lowland (all the rest of the southern/eastern lands, making up close to 50% of the total Lowlands area).[5]
  Now you know!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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