Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30, 2017 Thursday#Singcarols!decorate#Peace#LLulissat!

Get Faith
Psalm 43:4 "Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.  I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God."  Do you like Christmas music?  Now is the time for that to start if iit hasn't already.  Our churches are geared to Advent music and then the joy of Christmas hymns.  Our choir will have a music Sunday this coming month to sing the classic hymns of the season.  I hope our God enjoys the sounds as much as we do.

On this day
2012 - Even in retirement this time of year is so busy.  I still had Mom home and as it was a Friday her and Al (neighbor) went to get their hair done and go to lunch.  I looked forward to that 2 hours when I was home alone.  Now I miss it.  We had pizza for dinner before Nicole and I went over to church to help decorate the sanctuary.  If you are a busy person this time of the year gets#peace# crazy! Right?

1782 - The United States and Britain signed preliminary peace articles in Paris, ending the Revolutionary War.   Always working on peace and never sustaining it.

from Hudson Bay to LLulissat Greenland
We will stay cold and maybe be first to see Santa this year!
The Bridge - panoramio (1).jpgIlulissat-port.jpgSocial housing in Ilulissat, Greenland.jpg Looks interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday!  Kristin L and Sarah!

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