Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017 Sunday #NYE#Yearend#HelloJonkoping!

Get Faith
Revelation 1:8  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Begining and the End, says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."  This is fitting as it is the end of a year.  Tomorrow we celebrate a new day, beginning and end.  God does not have either of these (beginning and end) but He is both.  He is omnipresent - always with us.  Good to know facing another year.  God is with us all the days of our lives.  Happy New Year!

On this day
2008  Nicole had to work at Moosejaw and I had to go in to make a bank deposit as it was the last day of the year.  Mom and Nicole and I went to Moy's for dinner and then I went to Ty and Norma's for a New Year's party.  Nicole and her friend came over also after they went to the show.  Do you call your parents and or grandparents at midnight?  We do, and any family not with us.  I followed Nicole home from the party.  Enjoy and be safe whatever you do tonight!

1711 - The Duke of Marlborough was dismissed as commander-in-chief. Was this the guy who smoked and rode horses?  Maybe they thought he was a bad example so they fired him.

From Ilulissat Greenland to Jonkoping Sweden.
We will take a flight between these locations - way to cold and treacherous for a road trip I think!

Coat of arms
Jönköping is located in Jönköping
  So here we are!  Tomorrow we explore!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable and Have a Happy New Year and Kathy - have a happy Birthday!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

December 30, 2017 Saturday #YOGA!!!!#Betterlife#Blessed#naturalfireworks!

Get Fit
Ahhhh,   Saturday AM yoga, might be my favorite thing in the world.... beside...etc etc.  Really try Yoga for yourself this coming year.  You might like it! 

Get Faith
Romans 12:1-2  "I plead with you to give your bodies to God.  Let them be a living sacrifice...Be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think.  Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you."  This may seem to be extreme to you.  You are probably thinking "Hey! I have a life."  God knows we have lives but He also knows that very often we are unfulfilled and depressed with our current life.  Living outside of your own wants and living for the betterment of others will make your life more meaningful and less empty.  Start small, read the Bible and let it give you the peace you want and what effort on your part that would make you happier.  God will provide.

On this day
2007  Nicole, Hillary and I had spent 4 days sharing a room at the Gathering with the high school kids in Lansing.  So many memories of this year, the "flacid" breadstick, the food run to Pot Bellies by Hillary and I in a blizzard, spooning and so much more.  So glad for these wonderful times we shared.  On this the 4th day, after the final mass - there are tearful goodbyes, hugs and promises to keep in touch and more tears.  The drive home with a quick stop at Fowlerville McDonalds and then home to sleep for as many hours as possible.  Nicole will be coming home today, after being in charge of this event for 5 days and many months of preparing.  God bless her for her selfless acts in giving to this great event that benefits so many!  I am blessed.

1460 - At the Battle of Wakefield, in England's Wars of the Roses, the Duke of York was defeated and killed by the Lancastrians.  I didn't remember the movie to be this old?

Greenland New Year
Greenland quiets down at the end of December awaiting the New Year. The locals actually celebrate it twice! There's the Danish New Year at 8 pm Greenland time and then the true Greenlandic New Year is celebrated at midnight local time. It's a beautiful sight when you catch the Northern Lights at the same time!
wow that would be phenomenal!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Anniversary to Glen and Amy!

Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29, 2017 Friday #Oldies!#Comforter#Visit#suicide:(

Get Fit
Never thought I'd see Richard and dance to the oldies with him again!  Thanks for the video Nicole!  Doesn't get better than dancing to "Soul Man" first thing in the morning.!!!

Get Faith
John 14:15-17  "If you love me, obey me: and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and He will never leave you.  He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth." I love the Father, the creator and worship that name God.  I thank Jesus for my eternal life and forgiveness and mention His name often.  The Spirit does not get the same attention - although He is with us every minute, in us, with us and holding us up in this life.  Read again that last verse - "He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth."  One of the Holy Trinity, One with God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ - Our God the Holy Spirit with me and you today!

On this day
2006  This day is between the BIG days of the holidays so seldom relevant.  I had to work 1/2 a day because it was a Friday and the last day of the month, I needed to go in and do the bank deposit.  Later in the day Mom and I took Al (neighbor) to dinner for her birthday which was earlier in the month.  It is a great day to visit someone and make their day special (depending on how much they like you)  I'm heading for Pam's today to see her new condo - furnished and lived in.  If you can't visit, call someone - get that call in before the year ends and you missed it again. (see below)

1170 - St. Thomas à Becket, the 40th archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in his own cathedral by four knights acting on Henry II's orders. Knights Templar? Another story to read.

(This is a repost from my 2014 blog but it is still so relevant.)
Parenting - Friends of ours from church that we have been close to were told their brother/son Brandon was found dead in a car in Detroit.  Brandon showed up occasionally for youth group at church when I was on the board and the youth leader.  He went to work camps and Bass Lake and the Gathering.  His brother Adam was a rock solid role model for him leading a good Christian life.  But, Brandon couldn't.  He had a giving loving heart and a great smile and a demon that led him down the wrong road.  "Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died".  I believe that despite his struggles, Brandon had faith and the Lord is with him now.

Ilulissat Greenland 

Rising suicide rate baffles Greenland

When you travel through Greenland, it feels likes you are on the edge of the world.
This vast country around the size of Mexico is largely uninhabited.
The communities that exist are scattered around its mountainous edges. It really is one of the 
most extraordinary places on earth, but beneath its natural beauty lies a secret.
Greenland has the ignominious title of being the suicide capital of the world. On the largest
 island that isn't a continent, and the least densely populated dependent country in the world,
 the government says 1 in 5 people have tried to kill themselves, while other research claims 1 in 4.
The simple white wooden crosses that dot the landscape are a stark reminder that many of those 
people have succeeded.
I suppose people here don't need reminders almost every Greenlander knows someone who has 
taken their own life.

Most of the victims are teenagers, more than half of them boys aged 15 to 19. Inger Bordbar
 is a nurse who has seen many who have ended up in morgues. She is now a suicide prevention 
consultant, and I met her in Ilulissat in Western Greenland where she spent the evening with a group
 of teenage girls and boys.
She showed them a short film in which a man is thinking of committing suicide because his wife and
 son have left him. The teenagers then get to debate what they have seen, a vital tool Inger explains, 
as the Inuit people struggle to express their feelings.  I am not surprised, so cold and isolated.

Enjoy the day Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December 27, 2017 Wednesday #Critters#Peace#GatheringHMSBeagle#StLucia!

Get Fit
Walked around the house a number of times through the snow and ice cold temps.  Searching for wild life and tracking the steps in the snow.  Real outdoors adventure this morning.  Critters

Get Faith
John 14:27  "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives.  So don't be troubled or afraid."  This restores my faith.  The peace that Jesus gives us in our hearts and soul, it is not earthly.  When we speak of peace on earth, it is not certain or long lasting, it is simply a wish.  The Spirit gives us the type of peace that calms the mind and reminds you that as temporary as this life is - our gift of peace with God is eternal.  His peace to you today.

On this day
2005  A memory of Gathering "..Loaded up Nicole (her) and I to church PU kids Lansing Gathering - Jon Bay , Tessa, Jeff Stein, Steven Serrano, Jackie, Adam  Brandon - Great Gathering!  Taylor Mason, Celia Whitler, Jay "  I think we got to a point where the Gathering was the highlight of our holiday.  Hanging out with hundreds of high school youth, locked into the Holiday Inn in usually cold snowy weather was a lot more fun than you think.  Great memories of God at work.  And He still is.

1831 - Charles Darwin set out on a voyage to the Pacific aboard the HMS Beagle. Darwin's discoveries during the voyage helped him form the basis of his theories on evolution. I thought the HMS Beagle was a kids cartoon show.  Now I know.

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas

Light and joy to all

The Lucia procession is a popular custom in the entire Nordic region, including Greenland. Children dressed in white walk in procession holding a candle while singing the hymn of Saint Lucia. Leading the procession is the so-called Lucia bride who also wears a wreath with four candles on her head. It is a beautiful sight.
The Lucia procession takes place in schools and kindergartens. In Greenland, the children also walk in procession at hospitals and nursing homes so that also those who are not so agile can take part in the experience.
Santa Claus in Greenland and greenlandic woman
Santa Claus in Greenland and greenlandic woman.

Enjoy the day!  make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Pat H & Allison B!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December 26, 2017 Tuesday #Whew!#Loveeternal#visiting#church

Get Fit
How many different treats, meals, treats, etc have you put in your mouth in the last week?  With all I have eaten I haven't gained a pound.  I'm pretty sure my scale is broken.  My dear daughter put two video's in my stocking (or Santa) of "Sweaten to Oldies with Richard" and a Pilates workout.  This mornings workout was composed of me trying to follow new dance routines!  I'll get it!

Get Faith
Psalm 103-17  "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with their children's children."  This is a verse from my favorite psalm. Here, God promises that not only will He love you forever - but your children and their children.  There isn't a better promise or reason to worship Him than this.  Merry Christmas!

On this day
2004  This was one of the Christmas' when Sunday was the day after Christmas and Mom, Nicole and I went visiting to Rox and Bills', Aaron and Lisa's and Try and Norma's.  We got home in time for Andy, Alice and the girls to come over.  I love the business of the holidays and I also love the quiet of the days after.

2004 - Under the Indian Ocean, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake sent 500-mph waves across the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. The tsunami killed at least 283,000 people in a dozen countries, including Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Sumatra, Thailand and India. Not such a peaceful day for this part of world, it was horrific.  It has been 13 years but I still recall the film footage and probably always will. Our earth is constantly changing.

Ilulissat Greenland

No Christmas without church attendance

Christianity is still deeply rooted in many Greenlanders, and many people go to church every Sunday in Advent. Christmas church services are considered very sacred, and the turnout often exceeds the number of seats in the small churches. Here, the beautiful hymns are sung loud and clear.
Another tradition involves putting candles on the graves in the cemetery, which is not a common Protestant tradition, but in Greenland it is a very popular and beautiful custom. A small hollow is dug in the snow on top of the grave to shield the flame from the wind. It is an incredibly beautiful sight when an entire cemetery is lit up by the many candles.
Get a first-hand experience of amazing Greenland - see these tours to Greenland.
Church service in Greenland
Church service in Greenland - Photo: Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, December 24, 2017

December 24, 2017 Sunday Christmas Eve #Thebestgift

Get Faith
Hebrews 13:15-16 "Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.  And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."  The gifts we need to share with everyone are love, caring, laughter and compassion.  It makes our God happy to see us do these things.  That is why He gave us the gift of His Son Jesus the Christ, so we can live happy lives knowing we are forgiven and will have eternal life with Him.  Merry Christmas.

On this day
2002  Christmas Eve,  I spent the day cleaning and preparing and cooking.  Mom, Andy and Alice, Lindsey, Merri and Brian came over for dinner.  Nicole would have been 17,  things and times change every year, you just have to go with it, make the best of each situation, bring some joy into the day and remember - to thank God for our Saviour.  Jesus is the reason for the season. 

1828 - William Burke who, with his partner William Hare, dug up the dead and murdered to sell the corpses for dissection, went on trial in Edinburgh. haha  only the Scots would make this news available and have it happen on Christmas Eve.  Let's look at the bright side, perhaps some great medical advances were made?  

Greenland Christmas
It is traditional on Christmas night that the men look after the women, serving their food and coffee and stirring the meal for them. Games follow the Christmas meal, including one in which an object is passed from hand to hand round a long table under the cloth. It is supposed to be repulsive: round, clammy and rough in texture; such as a frozen egg, wrapped in strips of wet fox fur!  Who wants to play?    Lol

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Merry Christmas & happy Birthday to Pastor Julie!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

December 23, 2017 Saturday #Ledbyastar#familymemories#Hansom#Kiviak!yuk

Get Fit
Did some Pilates with the resistance band.  Keep the legs and back strong for lifting all those heavy gifts ans shoveling snow!  Stay strong!!

Get Faith
Matthew 2:9  "(The Magi) departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was."  I love that the star appeared to them in the east and led them to the baby Jesus so they could worship him.  They traveled, actually for months.   How far or how long would you travel to see the Christ child born to save you from your sins?  Where is your church?  It is the best place to be on Christmas.  "Come let us Adore Him".

On this day
2001 Was a Sunday.  Nicole went to Sunday School and Mom and I went to church, I was the reader.  I always love reading in church, it is a special feeling for me to share the word of God.  After church I ran to Kmart (which is now closing) and then went home to watch old family Christmas videos, wrap presents and then to the show to see Harry Potter with Nicole.  We picked up Mom's cookies and gifts from her apartment on our way home, so she wouldn't have to bring them the next day on her own.  A sweet memory of an earlier Christmas time.

1834 - English architect Joseph Hansom patented his 'safety cab', better known as the Hansom cab. So, not a handsome (good looking) cab as I believed. 😉

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas

Christmas Feast In Greenland
A magnificent feast is served on Christmas Eve that includes Greenland's best dishes. A huge Christmas cake is served along with homemade mulled wine as part of the feast. The 'suaasat' is a soup, which is a favourite dish among the people of Greenland. Other Christmas dishes include barbecued caribou and sushi. Berries and apples with crisp toppings are a popular dessert, served along with other dishes. 'Mattak' is a Christmas treat shared among the family. The 'Kiviak' is another Greenland specialty, which is actually an auk's raw flesh that is buried in sealskin for many months, until it is completely decomposed.  hehe   Sorry I had to share!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Scott V.

Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22, 2017 Friday#plank!#LoveGod!#cookiesmakeeverythingbetter!

Get Fit
Get ready, here come the calorie laden, yummy holidays!  I did the daily dozen this morning and was surprised that I could do 2 - 1 full minute planks without much pain.  Keep up your strength and your health will stay better as well! 

Get Faith
John 13:34:  "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  Our God is about - first loving and worshiping him and then loving each other - all each others.  He tells us to care for each other, share and help, love and minister to one another.  He wants all of His children to be loved and cared for - ALL of His children.  Why can't we find time to spend that one hour a week (or more) to be in His presence and love Him back?  He gives us everything, our lives, our loved ones and the life we live and all that we have, you must want to thank him?  Could you bear to be without your home for the week that you forgot to visit Him?  He doesn't do that, take away from you, He loves you too much.  Love Him back!

On this day
2000 - My boss gave out bonus's.  The guys were excited and told be what they got!  I was disappointed, mine was a tenth of what it had been in previous years.  Not sure what that was about, he had a problem with women after his divorce in 1998 and so I made excuses.  He also took away my lease car.  In hindsight I should have left the company but I had a daughter to raise through high school and college and the pay was still good.  He hadn't figured a way to reduce that yet.  I lasted another 12 years there, difficult but doable.  Sounds like I am not appreciative - and I haven't been at times, but most of the time I made excuses and thanked God for a job that provided a living for me.  I got home to Nicole baking Christmas cookies - made it all worthwhile.

1715 - James Stuart, the "Old Pretender", landed at Petershead after his exile in France. I didn't know he was that old!  He looked great in the movies!

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas
Christmas Trees have to be imported, because no trees grow as far north as Greenland. The trees are often imported from Denmark - Greenland has had a long historical connection with Denmark. The trees are decorated with candles, bright ornaments and sometimes small versions of sealskin breeches known as kamiks. Trees are traditionally decorated on the evening of 23rd December. People who don't use an imported tree, might have a traditional driftwood tree decorated with heather.
Another traditional and popular decoration is to put an illuminated star in windows. There are stars in most homes and in all public buildings. Because Greenland is so far north, and within the Arctic Circle, during the winter the sun never rises! (You might get a brief glimpse over the southern mountains, but that's it!) So the stars help to bring some light.
Villages also put a large Christmas Tree on a nearby hill, so everyone can see it. These trees are put up and decorated ready for the start of Advent.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris L & Ron M

Thursday, December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017 Thursday #Firstdayofwinter&shortestday#Feedthepoor#Thanks

Get Faith
Matthew 25:35  "For I was hungry and you gave Me food:  I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in."  We don't always get an opportunity to share and care for strangers in our everyday life but occasionally we get a chance to share our take out or hand someone a McDonalds gift card.  Some days, we can feed the homeless through Macrest or drop off food at the homeless Veterans place.  Take an opportunity to visit someone who needs company.  Maybe we are looking to hard to find Jesus when He is right there in front of us. 

On this day
1999  This was the first day in many years that there was more than an entry that said Sunday School Christmas program.  It is a busy time of year and I was a busy person as a working single Mom.  I was working at Clancy's and the boss was in Florida which meant it was peaceful.  His sons had all  left the business except for one.  But on this day the bosses son Nick came in and gave me a gift from his wife and him.  I had a good rapport with them.  That evening the Nieto family, friends/neighbors took Nicole along with their son Jameson to a Piston's game.  I can only imagine how happy that made her.  If you have a chance take a neighbor kid with you to lunch or the mall or a movie.  They will probably never forget it.  I received a lot from friends and family!

 1849 - The first ice-skating club in America was formed in Philadelphia, PA. There you go take some kid to Campus Martius ice skating!

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas

Christmas traditions in Greenland

Christmas in Greenland always begins with a highly cherished tradition: In the window of every home all over the country, an Advent star shines a beautiful orange glow onto the snow outside.
When the star has been lit, several more traditions follow until Epiphany on 6th January, which marks the end of the Christmas season. After that, the Greenlanders start to look forward to next Christmas.
Advent star in Greenland
Sounds like a great tradition!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Christie R!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 19, 2017 Tuesday #deadscats#justwomen?#AngelvsMary#walrustusks!

Get Fit
I really have to force myself to work out with Jillian.  It doesn't help when you are doing dead drops and curls and your cat strolls between your legs.  He obviously is more certain of my ability to not drop a weight on his head than I am!  OOOps sorry. 🙀

Get Faith
Proverbs 31:30-31  "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord,  she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates."  I am not sure what this means.  I'm thinkin it has something to do with not trusting your good looks while keeping the Lord first in your life.  We do put a lot of store in our looks don't we?  I do think that now a days people that look good have more credibility with others than people that don't take care of themselves.  Which might be shallow as well but realistic in this time.  What about men?  Does the same thing apply to men?

On this day
1991  It was Nicole's Christmas program at school, must have been 1rst grade.  Both of her Grandmas went with us to watch.  How many  Christmas concerts have you been to?  It probably depends on how many children/grandchildren you have.  I can't imagine missing even one of them unless it was unavoidable.  Children thrive on the love and appreciation of their families or caregivers.  It doesn't have a thing to do with how great a production it is.  One of the best I have seen lately was on FB.  The angel wanted to hold the doll/Baby Jesus and kept taking it out and dancing and hugging it.  The little girl playing Mary was not happy - it turned into quite a scuffle, fighting over baby Jesus.  I am sure the Lord himself loved that one!

1154 - Henry II became King of England. That was a long time ago!  I wonder if he was a good king.  Do you know?

Ilulissat Greenland

 Christmas in Greenland 

In the villages of Polar Inuits, families like to visit each other and have parties. They drink coffee and eat cakes and exchange brightly wrapped parcels. Traditional presents are model sledges, a pairs of polished walrus tusks, or sealskin mitts. Everyone in the village gets a gift and children go from house to house, singing songs.
On Christmas Eve, Church Services are held and most people go to them, many in national costume. Some men wear the white anoraks which are worn on special occasions.
How would you like some polished walrus tusks for Christmas?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017 Monday#legworkout#strongJoesph#Christmasprep#God'slights!

Get Fit
Work out those legs a little, we all spend too much time sitting.  I thought yesterday I would rack up steps but in fact I didn't.  I went to two churches and sat for an hour.  When I got home I did a little straightening up and then sat and watched TV and wrote Christmas cards.  It was productive but not for exercise.  So today, I worked out the legs that I didn't use yesterday.  Make yourself promises, or trick yourself into walking - but get moving.  The Christmas calories are happening!

Get Faith
There is not much that is more spiritually lifting than a group of children telling the Christmas story.  I have seen a number and am never bored or tired of seeing them.  Yesterday was a great example.  The readers that told the story and the three angels, three wise men and shepherds that recited the Bible story about their parts were great, always one that is the loudest with the others following.  I loved that Joseph did some arm pumps showing strength while standing up at the manger, he was obviously up to the task of caring for the baby Jesus.  Pastor sat behind me and we shared joy at the high points.  And then there was the cookie walk, who doesn't love the cookie walk?

On this day
1990 - Nicole was 5 so she was in kindergarten and went in the afternoon.  We took advantage of the morning and went to Norm for a haircut and then I took her to school, went back to St Paul's and gave out food baskets then over to Mom's house in Eastpointe to pack my summer clothes in her basement where I kept them.  It is a blessing to have so many clothes you need to store them somewhere for the season.  WE were heading to Florida to Grandma and Grandpa's the day after Christmas.

1787 - New Jersey became the third state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Jeopardy fact!!!

Greenland Christmas


You will be going on a 20-30 minute hike from the old helipad to Holms Bakke. Your guide will tell you stories about the Northern Lights.
Hopefully, the Northern Lights will appear while you stand and gaze out over the Ice Fjord.
On the way, you will get to enjoy some coffee, tea or a so-called ‘Greenlandic coffee’. There will also be hot chocolate for the children. 
  WOW!!!!! Great Christmas lights!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dean P and Dan N!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 17, 2017 Sunday#Run!#skGodtohelp#ToysrUs!#Francethefriend#littlesurprises!

Get Fit
I did today.  I went to church with Nicole and then made it back home to see the childrens' program at First English and help with the cookie sale.  You could say I was on a run - you could.

Get Faith
John 16:24  "Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow."  Pastor Krister talked about doing the work of the Lord, for the Lord, work like healing or helping the blind see.  Jesus did not necessarily mean health and sight.  You can reach out to someone to heal their non belief or a person who is blind to see faith.  If you have a question about this, ask God and he will give you the words to use - more than you need.  And it will make YOU happy.  Ask.

On this day
1988  It was a Monday and I had worked at Quality.  I have many memories of that company and the wonderful/interesting people I worked with.  During this time I was working strictly for the family insurance.  I was lucky to have that option.  When I got home I (and maybe Mark) went shopping to Toy R Us.   Aaron would have been 11 and Nicole 3 - big reasons to go to a toy store.  My basket was full and as I got closer to the cashier I began looking for my checkbook.  I was not using credit cards then.  I realized I did not have my checks with me and had to leave my treasures behind.  I think they held the basket while I ran home - I only remember that horrible feeling of not accomplishing that single - so important task.  Oh the joy of the holidays.

1777 - France recognized American independence. Thank you France!

Ululissat Greenland
Greenland in DecemberChristmas in Greenland
Greenland's Christmas traditions are unique, right down to the fact that Christmas trees have to be imported because it's too cold in Greenland for them! 
In Greenland, local Christmas customs are similar to those of the Kingdom of Denmark because of their political affiliation. Trees are decorated and adorned with candles, paper heart, paper flowers and more trees Chuck, but also Greenland and Danish flags and with little surprises.
Gifts are placed underneath the tree.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Devon!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

December 16, 2017 Saturday # Yoga#plantaseed#warning!#dogsled!

Get Fit
You know I love my Saturday morning AM Yoga.  What a sweet way to start the day.  And, the cat was nice and just watched me today. ahhhhh

Get Faith
Matthew 13:32  "Though it (the mustard seed) is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches."   The Bible mentions planting seeds a lot and they aren't always the type of seeds that grow plants.  You can plant a small seed of faith in someone and hope that it is nurtured into a strong faith.  They call start up churches "seeds", planted in a community to grow a congregation.  A small deed performed or gift given can plant a seed of love into a heart that needs to be loved.  Even a Christmas card with a nice message can plant a gift of care into someone's life.  God is love. Share it.

On this day
1987  Nicole was only two when I really realized that my husband had serious problems with responsibility.  When I confronted him with what I thought was a realistic question about opening a credit card, he blew up and walked out the door.  It was a warning signal.  Very often these problems can become real noticeable at the holidays.  Financial responsibility, drinking problems and depression can rear their ugly heads during the holidays and then hide again after.  Take a suggestion from me and don't overlook it while it is growing into something monumental.   Holidays can be brutal.

1809 - Napoleon Bonaparte was divorced from the Empress Josephine by an act of the French Senate. See, this is what I mean about the holidays!

Ilulissat Greenland

We don't see too man dog sled signs around here..... none actually.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Anne!  

Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15, 2017 Friday#Takecare#ThankyouLordJesus#busydays#Whataview!

Get Fit
The holidays are terrible on our health.  We don't take care of ourselves, we don't eat right (Christmas cookies) we stress about being prepared and all the multitude of other things that go on, AND  we come into more germs in a day than we do in a month the rest of the year.  Oh, and there is no time to exercise.  Take a deep breathe today, make a list of those things you have to do, sit down a few minutes and pray - eat a good breakfast!  Good luck!

Get Faith
Romans 6:23  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Your sins are forgiven, you are free from death.  You just need to know that Jesus Christ died on the cross to be sacrificed for your sins and save you for eternity.  Merry Christmas!  Best present ever!

On this day
1986  Mom came over and we went shopping at the Macomb Mall, Toys are Us, Children's Palace and then stopped for groceries at Chatham after that.  Nicole would have been 1 1/2 and loved to shop even then.  When I got home I did laundry.  Mark was selling race video's at the time and some people stopped by that I'm not sure who they were.  See what 31 years can do to your memory?  Does this sound like your days right now?  I was blessed to be home with Nicole for 8 years.  I did work part time (2 days a week) most of those years and was involved with church etc - but my heart goes out to those with babies and toddlers that have to work full time.  This was the year my brother Mark died the day after Thanksgiving, which would have been the month before.  Mom and I were still grieving his loss, and keeping busy.

 1791 - In the U.S., the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, went into effect following ratification by the state of Virginia. Always room for change - it has to happen as time goes along.

Ilulissat Greenland
Hotel Arctic, IlulissatThis is listed as a luxury hotel - I am sure it is the view that gives it this rating!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14, 2017 Thursday #Checkups#humility#HOAChristmasparty#Mankiller?Icebergparadise!

Get Fit
Sometime the best way to stay healthy is to get those check ups.  I had to go get a needle biopsy on my right breast today, it seems there is a little something they wanted to check.  Glad I had it done and got an excuse to not have to shovel the 6" of snow outside.   Be careful if you do shovel!

Get Faith
James 4:6  "But He gives more grace, Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  I do believe I have managed to control my pride, somewhat.  I know if someone called me out on anything, years ago, my back went up ready for battle.  I have tried to learn the grace of nodding and acknowledging the other person's opinion, but it does not come easily.  Humility is best served with a spoonful of sugar and a smile.

On this day
1985  Aaron was 6 years old and had joined a bowling league by us so Mark picked him up on Friday and brought him home.  So this Saturday was busy, with bowling in the morning and then the neighborhood home owners assn Christmas party at the school in the afternoon.  Nicole was only 7 months old and not crazy about Santa but as long as her brother had her - all was good.  They did those parties for years,too bad they don't anymore.  The played music and had the kids (40 - 60 kids) sing the Christmas songs, eat pizza and then stand in line to see Santa, get a coloring book and candy cane and play with the other kids.  They were a lot of fun!

1985 - Wilma Mankiller became the first woman to lead a major American Indian tribe as she formally took office as principal chief of the Cherokee Nation of OKlahoma. Her name is somewhat forboding!

Ulilussat Greenland


In Ilulissat, not one moment passes that you forget your proximity to the dynamic sculpture gallery of icebergs just outside town. Even when you close your eyes, the icebergs’ soundtrack of cracking and rumbling echoes from one end of Ilulissat to the other.
There is no wrong way to experience icebergs, but just as one needs two eyes for accurate perception, you need multiple adventures to understand the icebergs in Ilulissat. It is only after you have marveled at their chiseled shapes from the air, felt tiny while sailing past them on boat tours, and smelled their sweet scent while hiking along the UNESCO World Heritage Site that you can grasp the full character of Ilulissat’s icebergs.  Well when you put it that way!!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Michelle, Melanie and Dan!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 12, 2016 Tuesday #trainedcat#Peace#Christmasjoy#womenpower#Icebergparadise!

Get Fit
I have reached a new plateau with the cat.  Remember when I couldn't do floor exercises because he wouldn't leave me alone?  Well, now he sits on the table and watches patiently.  We have snow so I can't put him out and I think it is his way of telling me he appreciates me.  Pilates! not with cats.

Get Faith
Isaiah 57:19  "Peace, peace to those far and near ," says the Lord, And I will heal them."  What better message can we hear in this day and age.  There is so much hurt, anger and real hatred and it is all over TV.  For people with depression problems (and there are a lot) it can seem hopeless.  Our peace of mind and soul comes from the Lord.  If the entire world would go to Him, He would heal our world, but we have to be satisfied with our own peace, knowing our Savior.  Peace to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

On this day
1982  This Christmas was different.  Andy had moved in with me after his divorce in the summer and he had met Alice later through friends.  On this day Andy and I took the girls to church, I'm thinking it was the church the girls were used to going to.  I didn't have a church home at that time.  He only had the girls every other weekend so we made the best of our time together.  Christmas was coming so we decorated the Christmas tree and had a fun time until Andy had to take them home.  There was always a gloom over the house after they left, Andy was broken hearted to not have his girls in his life everyday.  It wasn't the guy he had been raised to be.  Christmas can be difficult for families.  Enjoy every bright spot you can.

1982 - 20,000 women encircled Greenham Common air base in Britain in protest against proposed cite of U.S. Cruise missiles there.  Wow, that is a great opener for conversation!  35 years ago, the power of women, and the annals of war.


Nature, dog sledding, and cultural exploration await you in this iceberg paradise.


Every town has a claim to fame, and in Ilulissat it is the icebergs, without a doubt. But you need more than a few helping hands to count all the reasons why Ilulissat is more than just icebergs. Nature lovers will be drawn to hiking in the hills by the call of the wilderness. We dare you to try to find a camping spot that doesn’t impress. In town and in nearby villages, city museums and local cuisine will whet even the most discerning palates.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Al and Olivia!

Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11, 2015 Monday#Christmasshopping#LOVE#Lovedones#LlewelynapGruffydd#brrrrrrr

Get Fit
Walking tour of Downtown Detroit today with 3 friends.  Cold and snowy - and walking!  good exercise.  Wish me luck.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:7  "(Love) always perseveres."  God's love is what I think they are talking about, it is the only one that perseveres.  On the other hand, two years ago today my Mom passed away and I cried this morning remembering.  That love does not go away either.  the study writer recounted a story about a couple who had married because she was pregnant.  After years went by they realized they were not in love, but the girl went to her pastor and asked advice.  The pastor told her to act toward him like she loved him and eventually he believed it and she came to really love him also.  Good advice.  Love can persevere.

On this day
1979  Sometimes you need to love those people quickly.  On this day, I called my mom.  It sounds like a little thing, but I can't anymore.  Then Pete stopped by and dropped off filters for my furnace he has gone now so I can't call and say "hey, remember you brought those filters for my furnace in 1979?   Thanks again."  He is gone.  I brought my brother Mark home to spend the evening with me and have dinner, he is gone also.  My cousin Darrel came over and patched a spot on my roof, we have not spoken in years.  I also called Pete's grandmother Xana - who has also passed.  One day, life is short don't put off contacting people you care about.

1282 - Llywelyn (Llewelyn ap Gruffydd) was killed in Cilmeri, central Wales. For my friend Don!  Some old Wales history you might want to look into!

Ilulissat Greenland
Book a Hotel
Ilulissat Banner.jpg

Ilulissat is a city in Western Greenland.
Located in the Disco Bay just by the Icefjord, from which it has gotten its name, Ilulissat has one of the most beautiful settings for a great greenlandic experience.
Ilulissat is situated at the mouth of the Ilulissat Ice Fjord, which was included as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004. The town is located next to the sea filled with icebergs from the most active glacier in the world, Sermeq Kujalleq. Excavations of the valley where Ilulissat show that people have inhabited the area for thousands of years, and it was once the largest town in Greenland. The town is also know for having almost the same number of sled dogs as people, currently the town is home to 4600 people and nearly 3500 sled dogs. And this is summer/
Pretty but looks like a tough place to live!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Renata