Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 10, 2017 Sunday #winterworkout#giftofloveandfaith#callinandshopforart#Blueiceberg!

Get Fit
I feel like just living through winter is a workout.  Aside from the shoveling, wearing 20lbs of extra clothing should count for something!  If you have to push your car out of a snow drift - make sure you are in good health to do that - or walk, it is better for your health.

Get Faith
1 JOhn 4:7  "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and know's God."    God is love.  How else can you describe the intense love you feel for your mate? or that child of yours?  Your family can make you do things against your better judgement because of the love you have for them.  Love is the perfect gift that God gives us to love Him and all of those around us to make the world and life a better place.  Faith is love, something only experienced if it is shared, learned and act upon.  God gives that to you in His son Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!

On this day
1978  With everything we feel we need to get done at this time of year, sometimes, it is nice to come down with a (little) cold or minor ailment so that you can stay home, pamper yourself, watch Christmas programs, write cards and eat those Christmas cookies you baked last night.  That's what I did on this day in 1978.  Not happening today.

1768 - The Royal Academy of Arts was founded in London by George III. Joshua Reynolds was its first president. Good job Joshua!  Hey! today would be a good day to go down to the DIA, look around and go to that great gift shop for ....Christmas shopping!  

Ilulissat Greenland
Blue iceberg in the Ilulissat Icefjord
blue iceberg is visible after the ice from above the water melts, causing the smooth portion of ice from below the water to overturn.[1][2] The rare blue ice is formed from the compression of pure snow, which then develops into glacial ice.[3][4]
Icebergs may also appear blue due to light refraction and age. Older icebergs reveal vivid hues of green and blue, resulting from a high concentration of color, microorganisms, and compacted ice.[5] One of the better known blue icebergs rests in the waters off Sermilik fjord near Greenland. It is described as an electric blue iceberg and is known to locals as "blue diamond".[6]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Anniversary to Rox and Bill!  And Happy Birthday to Nick and Kali!!!

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