Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 19, 2017 Tuesday #deadscats#justwomen?#AngelvsMary#walrustusks!

Get Fit
I really have to force myself to work out with Jillian.  It doesn't help when you are doing dead drops and curls and your cat strolls between your legs.  He obviously is more certain of my ability to not drop a weight on his head than I am!  OOOps sorry. 🙀

Get Faith
Proverbs 31:30-31  "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord,  she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates."  I am not sure what this means.  I'm thinkin it has something to do with not trusting your good looks while keeping the Lord first in your life.  We do put a lot of store in our looks don't we?  I do think that now a days people that look good have more credibility with others than people that don't take care of themselves.  Which might be shallow as well but realistic in this time.  What about men?  Does the same thing apply to men?

On this day
1991  It was Nicole's Christmas program at school, must have been 1rst grade.  Both of her Grandmas went with us to watch.  How many  Christmas concerts have you been to?  It probably depends on how many children/grandchildren you have.  I can't imagine missing even one of them unless it was unavoidable.  Children thrive on the love and appreciation of their families or caregivers.  It doesn't have a thing to do with how great a production it is.  One of the best I have seen lately was on FB.  The angel wanted to hold the doll/Baby Jesus and kept taking it out and dancing and hugging it.  The little girl playing Mary was not happy - it turned into quite a scuffle, fighting over baby Jesus.  I am sure the Lord himself loved that one!

1154 - Henry II became King of England. That was a long time ago!  I wonder if he was a good king.  Do you know?

Ilulissat Greenland

 Christmas in Greenland 

In the villages of Polar Inuits, families like to visit each other and have parties. They drink coffee and eat cakes and exchange brightly wrapped parcels. Traditional presents are model sledges, a pairs of polished walrus tusks, or sealskin mitts. Everyone in the village gets a gift and children go from house to house, singing songs.
On Christmas Eve, Church Services are held and most people go to them, many in national costume. Some men wear the white anoraks which are worn on special occasions.
How would you like some polished walrus tusks for Christmas?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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