Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December 26, 2017 Tuesday #Whew!#Loveeternal#visiting#church

Get Fit
How many different treats, meals, treats, etc have you put in your mouth in the last week?  With all I have eaten I haven't gained a pound.  I'm pretty sure my scale is broken.  My dear daughter put two video's in my stocking (or Santa) of "Sweaten to Oldies with Richard" and a Pilates workout.  This mornings workout was composed of me trying to follow new dance routines!  I'll get it!

Get Faith
Psalm 103-17  "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with their children's children."  This is a verse from my favorite psalm. Here, God promises that not only will He love you forever - but your children and their children.  There isn't a better promise or reason to worship Him than this.  Merry Christmas!

On this day
2004  This was one of the Christmas' when Sunday was the day after Christmas and Mom, Nicole and I went visiting to Rox and Bills', Aaron and Lisa's and Try and Norma's.  We got home in time for Andy, Alice and the girls to come over.  I love the business of the holidays and I also love the quiet of the days after.

2004 - Under the Indian Ocean, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake sent 500-mph waves across the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. The tsunami killed at least 283,000 people in a dozen countries, including Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Sumatra, Thailand and India. Not such a peaceful day for this part of world, it was horrific.  It has been 13 years but I still recall the film footage and probably always will. Our earth is constantly changing.

Ilulissat Greenland

No Christmas without church attendance

Christianity is still deeply rooted in many Greenlanders, and many people go to church every Sunday in Advent. Christmas church services are considered very sacred, and the turnout often exceeds the number of seats in the small churches. Here, the beautiful hymns are sung loud and clear.
Another tradition involves putting candles on the graves in the cemetery, which is not a common Protestant tradition, but in Greenland it is a very popular and beautiful custom. A small hollow is dug in the snow on top of the grave to shield the flame from the wind. It is an incredibly beautiful sight when an entire cemetery is lit up by the many candles.
Get a first-hand experience of amazing Greenland - see these tours to Greenland.
Church service in Greenland
Church service in Greenland - Photo: Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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