Thursday, December 21, 2017

December 21, 2017 Thursday #Firstdayofwinter&shortestday#Feedthepoor#Thanks

Get Faith
Matthew 25:35  "For I was hungry and you gave Me food:  I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in."  We don't always get an opportunity to share and care for strangers in our everyday life but occasionally we get a chance to share our take out or hand someone a McDonalds gift card.  Some days, we can feed the homeless through Macrest or drop off food at the homeless Veterans place.  Take an opportunity to visit someone who needs company.  Maybe we are looking to hard to find Jesus when He is right there in front of us. 

On this day
1999  This was the first day in many years that there was more than an entry that said Sunday School Christmas program.  It is a busy time of year and I was a busy person as a working single Mom.  I was working at Clancy's and the boss was in Florida which meant it was peaceful.  His sons had all  left the business except for one.  But on this day the bosses son Nick came in and gave me a gift from his wife and him.  I had a good rapport with them.  That evening the Nieto family, friends/neighbors took Nicole along with their son Jameson to a Piston's game.  I can only imagine how happy that made her.  If you have a chance take a neighbor kid with you to lunch or the mall or a movie.  They will probably never forget it.  I received a lot from friends and family!

 1849 - The first ice-skating club in America was formed in Philadelphia, PA. There you go take some kid to Campus Martius ice skating!

Ilulissat Greenland Christmas

Christmas traditions in Greenland

Christmas in Greenland always begins with a highly cherished tradition: In the window of every home all over the country, an Advent star shines a beautiful orange glow onto the snow outside.
When the star has been lit, several more traditions follow until Epiphany on 6th January, which marks the end of the Christmas season. After that, the Greenlanders start to look forward to next Christmas.
Advent star in Greenland
Sounds like a great tradition!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Christie R!!

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